Spoć..fu* in Płvyvci Porłocticm. OM- HłłWi
»nd niytieal Cortocłłoi*
Your Phytical Diroctor tw« U4,
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Doir Pupili hm, m— owciai ♦*...,«>
•»«nf J« tk«. ••W*. UvU«
Pregniilon :a • o law of -r<mth. • v ?’£ c’-o<i#: to th*t law U suo»
Tho A--orionr. ,'rir.cłplo tc tis®:! en łt.
Your eourte la baoad u pen lt. }*rary •'oe’: your ttorolsoa ar* #f a noro nro^oaairo ordor than tho lnet. Eaeh wook i* a eto;: U'an ln tho rlpht diroctlon that earrlea you lot© tho noro dlffloult phasos of bod7 bolidwith tho tr 00 thno aa ot ar. olć ęloro opon tho ‘And.
Pro^roaoion and optlrtsr. aro tao ip-am! par tatra.
Tbc -an ul© bbUoi La tho Mn oho ahowa tho noat progroaalon.
Aro /ou oarrylnr tho aniliny counte-.anrr lnto yóuf fnCuuSgt
A doctor ^<0 mar kod that ho eurod nlnw-tir.tha ©f hle patlont# with a raiło and t‘i© ©thor t«nth with aiodlciro. .
7‘o 11 # aa horo no roo- for nodlelno lir.jo Sur erood la ono of fltnoas*
:oo aro you rotttnr alor.. thoao daya, aaywayl I haro n* • ot ar.y of your 'ihotoo latcly that I him> boon lockin/: fbr.
! can al*ajro irot a bottcr ldoa of a pupil ttoes photo^rapKo, •jo ploaao do not ne-loot to aend -o acuo one o ln a whllo.
o hr.ro gotfn two-thlrda of tho way t>irough your oonrro and aro ner to tho point whoro w* wuat atućy tho quoation of rlrll
The four ox*rclsoa that aro lnoludod thla woale aro ruch that tenJ to ic-cro.łso tho rl Uli ty of your prooroatiro pot-ora#
S*x quoetlono aro alwaya of a dcli on t* naturo tr-.t facta aro fhota and thoy haro to bo fhood whathor wo 1U» to or not.
no Jtrlnję por tor., :nar or toue, oror oacApoa tht tnfluunoo #f uoxt and po mat eaeh oquiF •uriclroa jo that aro ln • porfoot eondltioa to anawor tho cuos-tioe, or fboo tho aituation propcrly.
I *111 dlncuaa thla noro or. ow ro^ular talk *hootf far new I want to tali you tnftt I an to ollalnato four -jere of tho old oieroiooa to c.axo way fbr *-hAt
you aro rooolrlnc thla *eak.
By tho way, lf you hnre aay frlewia who aro lntoreated ln phyalcal oulturo 1 would apprcolato rcoolrlnię tho Ir nnrjou, and alao a booat.
I hope tho ortr^ihangtef ordor of ororelaa ieoapa your orthualaa^ tlp up,
I fbol that lt ćooa boohuao your lntoraat la too lcoon to bo othorwioo, and JM o on raadily reo«(p\lto the mluo of a procroaiiro polloy. Stlok ta lt with all your hoart and watoh tho inohoa ^row«
Tourp *ith all «y h^art, ,
£1-0 FJ :W2S^-6-l