Fi ribb to g,
Slipcover and Ottoman Cover You will need a canvas siipcover to fit chair; canvas fabric: fabric for mffle; string; cream bali fringe; 7-"w decorative rosę trim: craft foam; craft knife and cutting mat; masking tape; grcen. pink. and yellow acrylic palnts; textile medium; cardboard; tracing paper; fabric glue; and transfer paper
U$<r a 'li seam allawaiw lor all sewing unless otherwisc indicaled.
1. Measurc top of ottoman: add I" to each measurement. Cut a piece of canvas the determined measurements.
2. To make stamps. enlarge patterns, page 72, 167% on photocopier. Read Transferring Patterns, page 94. Tracę, then transfer patterns to craft foam; use craft knife to cut out. Attach tape to the back of each piece for a handle.
3 To pamt ottoman cover top and chair slipcover. read Painting Designs, pages 93 94. Mix textile medium with paint in equal parts. Place cardboard on a Rat surface under area to be painted. Stamp flowers and leaves randomly; allow to dry.
4. For ottoman cover skirt. measure one long side and one short side of ottoman; add 17" to allow for pleats and seams. Measure the height of the ottoman: add 2" for hem and seam allowance. Cut two pieces of canvas the determined measurements. Matching right sides. sew short ends together.
5, For hem. press one long edge of skirt 72" to wrong side. Press I" to wrong side again: topstitch. Fitting skirt to ottoman cover top with hem at bottom and seams at corners. pin two 4" pleats at each corner. press iFig. 4). Baste pleats. Matching right sides, sew skirt to ottoman cover top.
Fig. 4
4- 4"
6. For ruffle. measure around ottoman; multiply by 2.5. Cut a 12" wide strip of fabric the determined length. piecirig as necessary. Sew short ends of strip together. forming a loop. Matching wrong sides, press loop in half lengthwise.
7. Place string V«* from raw edges of ruffle: being careful not to catch string in stitching, zigzag over string using a wide stitch. Puli string to gather the ruffle to Fit ottoman cover. distributing gathers evehfyi knot to secure. Trim ruffle close to stitching: glue along edge of ottoman top. Clue fringe to top of mffle. covering raw edges, Clue rosę trim to top of fringe.
You will need floor lamp; lampshade; check labric ; to cover shade; print fabric for scallop: I 7j"w polka-dot black grosgrain ribbon; grcen felt; fabric glue:
'A"w fusible web tape; black, green. orange. pink. white. and yellow acrylic paints: '/■•" round loam bruslj paintbrushes; 2 V« yds of T/Av polka-dot grosgrain ribbon: eight 7<" dia. pink Rower buttons; woodcn knob and wheel; I" brass shade riser; pinking shears;.> freezer paper: heavy-duty threacl; primer; dear acrylic) sealer; craft glue: wood glue; and drill and 'A* dia. drir bit (optionall.
Use fabńc glue U n less otherwise indicaled.
1. Tracę one section of lampshade onto freezer papts° Add '/i" to each side and ’7->" to top and bottom edges; cut out. Use pattern to cut lampshade sectioir.0 from check fabric. Matching right sides and using a V seam allowance. sew side seams and place fabric' on shade to adjust for fit. Fold top and bottom edge3 to inside of shade; glue.
2. Tracę scallop pattern. page 70, onto freezer papes;1 repeat pattern until scallops lit around base of lampshade. (The bottom of our lampshade measurd; ri 48' which is divided into twelve 4" scallops. You mag. need to adjust the pattern to fit your shade.)
3. Measure dimensions of pattern: double width measurement and cut a piece of print fabric to the#*1' dimensions. piecingas necessary. Fold print fabric £ lengthwise with right sides together. Maleli straigh: f Pr edge of pattern 10 fold linę of fabric: iron pattern tof^e fabric. Sew along scallop Imcs: puli off freezer papeł^ Trim next to seam linę with pinking shears. Turn P' ^ scallop trim right side out, press Fuse raw edges fect together with web tape. Beginning at back of shar'-®” glue trim to outside of shade.
4. Tracę leaf pattern. page 71. onto freezer paper; repeat pattern until Ieaves fit around base of lampshade. Measure dimensions of pattern.- cut a piece of felt to thcsc dimensions. Iron shlny side a f,K* pattern to felt. Use a smali stitch length and sew :ilf° c< pattern lines, doubling back as needed to sew a continuous linę