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Childrens toys
Childrens toys (not electrical or battery operated items though) can be cleaned using 30g/ 1/4 cup baking soda in 1.2ltrs/2 pints warm water. Submerge in this mixture (or wipe with a cloth dampened in it). then rinse with elear water.
Dissolve borax in a sink fuli of hot water to clean your heirloom and fine china.
When dusting the whole house, tryjust a damp rag.
If you throw a handful of salt onto your fire occasionally, it will help loosen the soot inside your chimney.
When cleaning floors. try a few drops of vinegar in the cleaning water to remove soap traces. For vinyl or linoleum, add a capful of baby oil to the water to preserve and polish.
Brick and stone tiles
To clean brick and stone tiles. use 225ml/1 cup white vinegar in 4lts/1 galion water and rinse with elear water.
HI > | Heel marks
A pencil eraser removes heel marks from a floor.
No-wax vinyl or linoleum floors
To clean and shine no-wax vinyl or linoleum floors: Mix 4ltrs/1 galion of water jT t^| with 110ml/1/2 cup vinegar in a bucket, then mop or scrub your floor with the solution.
Painted wooden floors
To clean painted wooden floors. mix 1 teaspoon washing soda into 4ltrs/1 galion hot water.

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