8A (14)

8A (14)

= 3-dc bobble cluster <Bct>

GAUGE: rnds 1-3 a re 1 5/8" across

7^ = 2-dc bobble cluster <Bcl> tt leaving last lp of each st on w hook, work 2 dc in same st, yo and draw thru all 3 lps on hook



By Hiroko i Uma i SI7F

33 1/2" by 13 3/4".


Cordonncl crochct cotton sizc 40, whitc. about 1,000 yds; pcarl crochct cotton size 8, smali amount each gold yellow, lcmon yellow, yokc yellow, straw yellow and olivc grccn. Steel crochct hook US sizc 11 (1.0 mm) orSIZEFOR GAUGE.


First 3 rounds of Motif A mcasure

1    5/8" in diameter.


Motif A (16 in all): Form lp with end of white thread. RND 1: Ch 3 to count as First dc, work (dc in beg lp, 2 ch) 12 times; close with sl st in 3rd st of ch-5. RND 2: Ch 5 (3 ch to count as First dc and

2    ch to form First ch lp), *** work *2-dc Bel + dc + 2-dc Bel* in ncxt dc, in next dc work **2 ch + dc + 2 eh**, rep from *** around; close same as on md 1. RNDS 3-10: Work following diagram; ch 1 at beg of each sc md. As of md 3, work each Bel in Bel below, dc in dc alternating with ch lps to form pctals. Rcplace: on md 5. last 3 ch of last ch-6 lp with dc worked in First sc; on mds 6 to 9, last 4 ch with tr. On md 10, work ch-7 lps; close with sl st in First sc. Fasten off (see black wedge). Joining: As of 2nd motif. on md 10 join each Motif A to adjacent Motif(s) A with sl sts as shown. Join all 16 motifs in this way, working by the numbers.

Motif B (3 in all): Form loop with end of gold yellow. RND 1: Ch 3 to count as First dc, work (dc in beg lp, 1 ch) 12 limes; close with sl st in 3rd st of ch-4. Cul thread. RND 2: RS facing, altach ncxt color willi sl st (refer to diagram), in each ch lp around work: 3-dc Bel (see how-to) and 3 ch; close with sl st in top of First Bel. Cul thread. RNDS 3-10: Work as established following diagram, change colors as shown. On md 10. join each Motif B to 6 Motifs A in same way as Motifs A were joincd to each other (refer to diagram of complcted work).

Edging: RS facing. altach whitc with sl st in outer ch lp of any Motif A (see white wedge). ch 1 and work 3 mds all around joined motifs following diagram; beg mds 2 and 3 with ch 1, close with sl st in First sc throughout. For 2-dc and 3-dc clustcrs work same as for Bcls but insert hook as shown. At end of md 3, fasten off (see black wedge).


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