95 (17)

95 (17)

6. Apply spray adhesive to shade. Matching unpressed straight edge of cover to searniine, adhere cover to shade. Use fabric glue to secure pressed edge.

Cutting a Fabric Circle

1.    Matching right sides. fold fabric square in half from top to bottom and again from left to right.

2.    Tie one end of a length of string to a fabric marklng pen. Measuring from pen, insert a thumbtack through string at length indicated in project Instructions. Insert thumbtack through folded corner of fabric. Holding tack in place and keeping string taut, mark cutting

linę iFig. 3).

Fig. 3


Use three strands of embroidery floss for all stitching unless otherwise indicated in project instructions. Follow the stitch diagrams to bring the needle up at odd numbers and down at even numbers.

Sewing a Mock Box Corner

Place right sides together and match adjoining searns; RUNNING STłTCH pin. Sew across each corner using the measurement indicated in project instructions iFig. 4).

Fig. 4



Tufting a Pillow

Leaving a 5" taił and workirig from back of pillow, insert needle through back button. then through pillow and front button(s). Insert needle back through front buttonfsl, pillow. and back button. Puli. then knot thread ends to tuft pillow.




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