Exercisc all rnuscles daily. Avoid excess in mentdl or physical work. Rest after meals. Do not worry. Avoid great fatigue. Do not hurry. Sleep well and long.
If the brain is too nclive at night, take exerciscs on pagcS3-
If you do not sleep well eat a lew graham wafers before retiring and apply cold water to the head and back of nc<k.
The fol łowi ng foods may be eaten wilh safety: Sugar, syrups, fats, fat uieats, soups, corn starch, tapioca, cakes, can-dies, nuts; chocolate and cocoa diluted with much milk and well swectened; cream, new milk, butter, eggs, and condiments. All other foods may be indulged in to the extent of the incli-nation. Avoid hastę and excess in eating.
Exereise vigorously. Dress wartnly while exercising. Induce profuse and prolonged perspiration. Try running and fast walking. Take a great deal of exercise for the waist and abdomen. (See pages 63 and 66.) After exercise take a cold bath; rub the body vigorously.
Re careful about your diet. Eat beef, mutton and chicken broth, consomm6f fish of all kinds, lean beef, lean mutton, chicken, gaine, eggs, asparagus, cauliflower, onions, celery, cresses, spinach, white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, greens, squash, turnips, stale bread, gluten, biscuits, grapes, oranges, acids, fruits and berries. You may drink water plen-tifully if excretion of urea is deficient; tea or coffee without sugar or milk.
Avoid fats, thick soups, sauces, spices, hominy, oalineal, white and sweet potatoes, macaroni, rice, starches, beets, car-rots, parsnips, puddings, pies, cakes, all sweets, milk, alcoholic drinks, malt liquors, water in excess; avoid variety of food at