ape 066

ape 066



The abdominal, or front waist muscles, are strengthened by exercises taken with the back to the Exerciser. The movements seen in Figs. 38, 39, and 30 are especialty good for the abdomen. If theso exercises are too difticult, stand with the feet apart, as in Figs. 52 and 57, in the walk or stride-stand positions.

The muscles in this part of the body may be deeeloped while lying down with the head to the Exerciser as in Fig. 41.

The Exerciser can be so easily changed tliat one t-an go through the exereises while lying on the bed.

In addition to the movements mentioned, raise the legs alternately a few times each day.

When taking the last named exercises, if the muscles of the front waist are ąuite weak, raise one leg at a time with the knee bent, then slowly replace it on the eouch. Take the same exercise with the other leg, and finally use both at the same time.

Persons having indigestion and stornach troubles should pay particular attention to the muscles of the abdomen.

Persons in danger of accumulating adipose tissue over the abdomen should take these exercises.



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