ape 092
These rules are taken froin the list prepared and recom-raendcd by the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education. The completc list contains directions for taking about fifty mcasuremenls.
Weight.—The weight of the body should be taken with-out clothes. Where this is impracticable the weight of the clothes should be deducted.
Height.—The height should be taken without shoes and with the head uncovered. The head and figurę should be held easily erect and the heels together. This position is best secured by bringing the heels, the buttocks, the spine be-tween the shoulders, and the back of the head, in contaet with the tneasuring-rod.
Gikth of Neck.—With the head of the subject erect, pass the tapearound the neck half-way between the head and body, or just below the “ Adam’s apple."
Girth of Chest.—Pass the tape around the chest so that it shall embrace the scapulae, or shoulder-blades, and cover the nipple. The arms of the subject should be held in a hor-jzontal position while the tape is being adjustcd and then allowed to hang naturally at the sides. Take the girth here before and aftcr inflation.
Where it is desirable to test the elasticity or extreme mobil-ity of the walls of the chest, a third rueasurement may be taken after the air has been forced out and the chest contracted to its greatest cxtent. To test the respiratory power, independ
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