As the best mcntal work is done when the raind is free from hindrance, so the best physical results are had when the mind gives its entire attcntion to the body.
Take a correct standing position \yith head erect and chest arched. (See Fig. 50 and 64.)
If the mind has been active there is an over-supp!y of olood in the brain, and it should be drawn away. This is done by exercising the extremities first, hence we recom-mend leg work.
Next see that the muscles which assist in holding the head erect are used; then work the arms, shoulders, and chest. This will greatly assist in giving the heart and lungs more room for action, will facilitate tiie purification óf the bloed, and will quicken the circulation, thus carry-ing off the waste materiał that may have accumulated in the tissues and blood.
By ncxt exercising the muscles of the waist and abdo-men, the functions of the organs in those parts are helped, and the increased suppiy of blood to the contents of the abdominal cavity will aid in the assimilation of food.
By this limę the body is rcady for the most active or arduous work, namely, the running or hopping exercises