ape 026

ape 026



The duty of physical Health and the duty of spiritual purity and loftiness arc not two duties; they are two parts of one duty, which is the Imng of the completest lifc which it is possiblc for man to live.


Woraen are beginning to understand that grace and symmetry can be obtained in no other way than by system-atic exercise; the idea which regarded physical training as unfeminine is to-day a thing of the past.

No years in the life of a woman are morę important than those which mark the transition from girlhood to womanhood. If at this linie the system is developed according to nature's laws, all the organs of the body will be strengthened; but no marked changes in the health of our young women will be seen until a recognition of their physical need is shown by their parents and educa-tors. Every woman should understand that the body is the expression of the soul—she should study the art of graceful motion, of physical beauty, and the science of health. Form, as well as face, reveals the cultivated person, and attitude as much as speech denotes the woman of culture.

It is not our place to deal with the inotive that prompts women to look well in dress, feature, and form, but to drop a few hints that will help them to do even morę than they now accomplish without adding to their duties or cares.

Life, activity, quickness, and a cheerful disposition go 26


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