85257 ms 026
Reprint ed from “ HEALTH AND STRKNGrTH.”
One of the most striking proofs of the valuc of physical culture, carefully adapted to individual reąuirements is given in a letter from a pupil of the Mighty Apollon (J. C. Tolson) which 1 havc just read.
The original letter is so convincing and fuli of sound advice that I reprint it yerbatim. It needs no further word oi minę.—Editor.
A SUPER FIT MAN AT 55. Pupil York is awarded the Apollon Gold Medal.
Collingwood Road,
Dear Apollon,
I am 55 years of age and havc t raincd on your system for 3 months. Herc arc a fcw of my measuremeuts: Hcight 5ft. lOJins., weight 15 st.. neck 17ins., chcst (normal) 46ins., upper arm lójins., forearm (Rt.) 13$ins., (Lt.) 13Jins., thigh 24ins., cali* 15ins.
I have always been interested in sport. As a boy I played football in my school team for threc years, and in representative Inter-town tnatches ior two years. 1 ceased active parti-cipation in football when 1 was 25 years of age. Swimming also interested me and 1 hołd the Froficiency Certificate and Bron/e Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society.
During the Grcat War T enlistcd in 1915, joincd the colours in 1916 as a Gunner in the R. G. A., scrved in France.
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