dziejowski| to the King Fred. Aug.; May 1098. MS. Bawi. A. 326, f. 169.
55. [Warsaw] Extracts from two letters of news frora Warsaw; May 1098. MS. Bawi. A. 326,/. 169.
56. Notices of Polisli affairs; 1712. MS. Band. A. 286, //. 58, 64, 108, 109, 130.
57. Gravamina disssidentiura in Polonia et Lithua-nia; 1712. MS. Bawi. C. 392,/. 2.
58. State of the Protestants in Poland in 1713. MS. Bawi. A. 286,/. 440.
59. Toż; 1727. MS. Bawi. Q. 275,/. 46.
60. Epistolae ad Gul. W a k e, archiep. Cantuar., de cccle-sia Poloniae evangelica; 1727. MS. Bawi. A. 275, //'. 78, 87, 90.
61. Letter to the primate of Poland [Potocki Teodor| against the e 1 e e t i o n (in 1734) of Stanislaus as King (from the Empress Annę of Russia); Frcnch. MS. Bawi 1). 728,/. 206.
Tytułów skażonych, w kategorji historycznych, jest 8:
Articles of agreement between the King of Jlungary and of Poland; Latin. MS. Bawi. Q. 52, f. 240.
Articuli paeis cum Turcis {sine anno). MS. Bairl. C. 364, k. 92.
Petrus Magnus, Russiac imperator. Letter to the [wyraz nieczytelny; może abp—arcybiskup] and diet of Poland against dethroning King Augustus; Latin {ropy). MS. Tan. 33, f. 6’/.
Memoriał to the K. of Poland. from the deputy of the States Gen. with reply; Marcli, 1660; Latin. MS. Bawi. A. 67, ff. 76, 87.
Letters from Charles II to Dr. Tillotron and otliers, trustees for money collected for the churches of Lesser Poland; draught by Sancroft. MS. Tan. 36, /. 3.
Descent of the Kings to Sigismund. MS. Bawi 1). 684,
/. 14.
Memoire presente par les ministres de l’Impó ra-trice de Russie et Pologne[tak]aux Etats Generaux 15 Juin 1735 [tak] (copy). MS. Bawi. 1). 728, /. 208.