ape 014
The agc from furty to fifty is the period of lifc during which, according to the best authnrities. the need of c.\ercise is thc greatest. At no time of life is the necessity so impcratiee. At that time the cireulation becomes defective unless continually quickened by ex-crcise. RAt.KE.
The business man works faithfully day after day, with-out rest or recreation, and for what purpose? Principally for the accumulation of wealth and the power accruing through riches. His devotion to Mammon is first, it is blinding; he uses but little judgment in caring for his phys-ical condition. If he would look at his body nterely as a sitnple machinę (it is however, most compiex), he would know that it must be kept in at least fair condition, but this he does not do. An enginc can be madę to run even when the parts are clogged, the axles dry, and the mechan-ism hampered by accumulations of oil and dust, but it re-quires additional steam power to make it do its usual work. That man who wishes to be wcalthy, and has experiencc and knowledge to assist him, can gain morę if he will lubricate the gearing, pack thc valves, and true up the body machinery at least thrce tirnes a week. The ery‘‘I have n't time," "too busy,” etc., shows that he is not a good business man, in one respect, at least. He relentlessly drives the machinery, not noticing that the energy required is inereasing daily, and ignorant that his succcss demands greater effort than formerly, until suddenly, although his financia! credit
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ape 015 THE MERCHANT OR BUSINESS MAN. 15 is A No. t, his physical bank has collapsape 017 THE MERCHANT OR BUSINESS MAN. 17 invested than will cxcrcise. No dividcndsape 045 SECTION IV. THE SHOULDER. Among the physical defects that arc first to be noticed are roundape 066 SECTION VIII. THE ABDOMEN. The abdominal, or front waist muscles, are strengthened by exerciape 073 SECTION IX. THE BACK. THE BACK OR SPINE. The exercises mentioned are for those who are not aape 077 SECTION XI. THE LUNGS. It is not the intention of this work to treatconsumption or todeal wiape 096 SECTION IV. TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS OF A WELL-FORMED MAŁE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 17 AND 27. Adultape 041 SECTION III. THE NECK. It is a mistakc to suppose that thc developmem of the muscles on thcape 055 SECTION VI. THE CHEST (THORAX). The thorax, which contains the hcart and lungs, is the portiape 062 SECTION VII. THE WAIST. The parts of the body which usually need strengthening are the frontape 083 SECTION IV. FOR HEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS DUE TO CON-TINUED MENTAL ACTIVITY. 1. &00257 ?7d3fbe299da615921484efa7ec143e Statistical Process Monitoring with Integrated Moring Ayerage2.3.3. Services Services The services section allows the configuration of basie service setIB5 9. Drawing Many Sections 2 Conveying the sensation of speed with the attacked-character •10United Nations — Treaty Series1972 Section 2.07. The currency of the United Kingdom of Great Brita8,9 SECTIONShape A Complete the following tables. SECTION 1 1 B I loscribe the shape of the followinTablica IV. Zakres dodatkowych badań NDT Table IV. The rangę of additional NDT testing Rodzaj spoiwięcej podobnych podstron