ape 045
Among the physical defects that arc first to be noticed are round shoulders. In nearlyall families where there arc growing children the command “stand up and throw your shoulders back” is common, but if the time spent in repri-inand could bc devoted to gymnastic movements instead, morę boys and girls would have good shoulders. Attention should also be directed to uneven shoulders, or one higher tlian the other—usually the le(t is higher in right-handed pcople; stooping shoulders or drooping forward of the head and upper spine, and lastly sloping shoulders. The above are too frequently seen, but in the majority of cases they can be prevented if attention will be paid to them in time. In treating these defects we must first of all look for the cause of the trouble and rcmovc that.
If a boy or girl is required to take movements daily for the defectiee shoulders, and in addition to this is taught to stand and sit properly, and this training is madę as much a part of the routinc life as the care of the hair or teeth, a precedent will be established that will encourage a personal pride in their own physical perfection.
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