I. Aristotle’s biography:
- (384 - 322 BC); student of Plato; left Athens in 347,
- at the invitation of Philip11 of Macedonia - tutor of Alexander the Great,
returned to Athens; established his own school at the Lyceum; peripatetics,
investigations of a wide rangę of subjects: logie, philosophy, ethics, physics, biology, psychology, politics, and rhetoric.
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"®rAristotle’s works:
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Physics: explains change, motion, void, time,
Metaphysics: reconciliation between Plato’s theory of forms and the view of the worla influenced by observation of the naturai Sciences; hylomorphismp oio^'
Politics: origin of the state, its composition, best States, citizens, On the Soul: the nattfre^f living tffirigs, kinds of souls possessed
by different kinds of living things, , , .
t /i <4" ai 2_ (x>d of Poeticswetailed [analysis of traaedvi;\epic poetry, [missing (?) part
on comedy.
II. Recapitulation of Plato’s views. ^ -----/w
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-J-Logi <OUAs
III. Aristotle’s defence of poetry: 3-1'f-U uc^*e <'f~
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u^cJ- - only one level of reality; form having no separate existence from
all kinds of poetry involve mimesis (Imitation or representation),
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