6 1/4" high. Basc is 15" in du-mcicr.
(Hossy qualily crochel amon size 10. aboul 170 yds in all. that ił: aboui 140 yds grccn and 30 yds red: al$o smali amouni while. Steel crochel hook US size 7 (1.50 mm). Metal rings 3/4" in diameter mcasured on oubide and 3/8“ in diameter measured on insidc. 7. Tiny bells, gold. 2. Scijuins and liny objecU to use as omamenu. Sckctioo of ribbons 1/4" widc. Smali amount absorb-ent cotton.
TREE (grccn): Ch 9 and join wilh sl u to form ring. RND 1: Replacing First dc with 3 ch. in cach st of beg ring work 2 dc; closc wilh sl st in lop of cb-3. RND 2: In each dc around work * 1 dc in SU 1 dc in ncx< st. 2 dc in next st. rep front •; up to md 20. close each md same as on md 1. RNDS 3-20: Work following diagram, inserting dc in dc bclow. Up to md 17. inc as shown. then work 2 rnds even ■108 dc. Edging: End wilh 1 md sc and 2 rnds ch-5 Ips as shown (*»/. ch
1 at beg of rnds staiting with sc docsnotccumasfirstsc). On md 2. replacc last 3 ch sts with dc worked in fira sc; closc the other rnds wilh sl sl Al end of md 3. fastenoff (sec bdack wedge). TRI.M (grccn): Ch 205 ♦ 5 lo tum (3 lo count as first dc and 2 for fint ch lp). ROW 1: Beg in 9ih sl from book, work * 2 ch. sk
2 sts. dc in next sl. rep from • across. Fastcn off. ROW 2: RS facing. altach thread with sl sl in eenier sl of first ch-5 lp on row 1. ch I, work 1 sc and 5 ch in first ch lp. then • I sc in ncxt ch lp. 7 de in next ch lp, rep from * across. end with 2 sc in łasi ch lp.
I sc in ncxt dc. 3 sc ovcr stem of tal dc of first row. I sc in tal st of beg ch plus 1 sl sl befot: fas-icningofT.
FINISHING: Scw tńm in place with iavisiblc sis. spiraling ii