Blanket stitch in col (K), Straight stitch in col (P), Col (C), Blanket stitch in col (L), Granitos in col (V), Long and short stitch in col 0), (N)and(V),K,J,XL,P Pansy leaves fly stitchdn col (U), Stems in col (U), See stems for dąffodils, K, J, y L, U
Petals long and short stitch in col (D) and (E), Col (N) for tmmpets, Edges of petals 8-wrap cast-on stitch in col (D), Stems and leaves, work 1-3 rows of stem stitch for the stems and 4-7 rows for the leaves. Taper the rows at the tip of the leaves, Straight stitch in col (E) for the centre, D, E, N, C, A, U, I, R