THE pump is of vcry sirnple cOMtruction. willi few paits, and is uscd mcrcly lo pro-ducc a vacunm. The pump U so |>crfcct that it will givc a vnc-uum 9 lo 10 pomni* per sipure ineh. and a pressure of 100 pounds per sij. in. This high vacuuin is uscd todrawoil from ihe unk through a sight-fced liihricator of ?]>ccial patented form. ll is providcd willi an adjustablc nccdlc valvc, eon-iroiled 1>> ihe ihroiilc levcr, whieh ojiens ihe nccdlc salvc as tlić throttle opens, ihus allowing morę oil to Ilon- to ihe cnginc. Thus by incrcascd speed and incrcascd nccdlc valvc opening, as tlić throttle is opened. thcneccssaryaccclcr-ated oil supply is ol>-laincd. By adjiisting tbemillcd nul (shown in tł»e illuslration' the dclivery of oil is sel for normal run-ning. This single adjustment takes up any strcłch ihat may ukc place in the Bowden wire, and allows for any diffcrencc inviscosity of the oil.
ArrangcinenU h*ve been madę wilh the leading Carburcttcr .Manufaclurers to supply Carburcttcr control levers willi an addilional Bowilcn wirc to llic ihroitle levcr. for the purpose of operating the J.A.P. liihricator necdlc. As an altcrnativc a two-Icvcr Bowden wire control may be uscd on eacli handle bar; the right land operating the throttle and J.A.P. lubr-cator ncedlc; the left land operating the Carburetter air control. and the Magneto adiancc.