Brough Superior28 Sidecars

Brough Superior28 Sidecars


,V iHrit n luełi a wilie cWt »n typo oł S«deran. it a on)* propoaed to dluatrale Iwo, hut any cdher type or proprietary make ol

mir-<ai can be frtled lo any Model " Brou«h Superior."

ri ii

“ Brough Superior Touring Sport*.”

Thłł iiderar wat vrry popular du»n« ihe 1927 neaaon, utul il « prupiiM-J to omlimir ii« iiianulacturr duruig lite I92A tra»nn. Il i* ftniłbnl trff in blacl and gnid, and ia romplrte willi aide clo»r. Krren. nvri«i/r wurd-on tyrr. łieavyweighl durnia. and a vm •pacioua Inclcrr at ihe reor. II deaircd, ihe liody ran l>r linnbed olf in mnlllrd aluminium wilhoul r*tra cłtaifr.

Pic- i £27

Ealta lor loop wherl duaim wilb T bralie. £4-10 0

“ Brough Superior Cruiser."

An enlirrly ncw design uf aporting «>d«car, haviii|l an leg and body rnom. Undoubledly ibe •portiral-lunking rno»t comfurtablr aidccar on the market. W hen filled lo Mndel Ukoi uli Si ci riom rompletes a perferl comhinal

PricK £30

(Completc wilh Serem. Ślep. Mai, Apron. and tparious Locfcer). for loop framr wherl chasak wilh 7' brake. £4 10 0.


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