


ENGINE,—Specially manufactured for the " Brough Superior by Messrs. J. A. Prestwich. 50° V Twin. 90 m m. borę x 77 5 stroke. overhcad valves of special alloy steel, roller hcarmg big ends, and on main shaft. aluminium alloy pistons. The lower portion of the cylinders are heavily plated. preventing rusł and facilitating cleaning. Ali the overhead valve gear is plated. and tbe crank case is sand błast finish. The exhaust arrangements are neatly and cleverly carricd out. nttached to the overhead ports arc two finned aluminium hcat dissipating ports leading the exhau$t gases into correctly slreamlined exhaust pipes, tlience into a large cast aluminium silcnccr. and out through a perfectly straight extension pipę to the rear of machinę. The carburettor is attached to a specially designed aluminium casting forming the induction pipę. The contour of this casting and of the silcncer and the bulbous nose of the tank arc harmonious.

The alternativc side-by-side valve engine is particularly rccommended if the machinę is to bc used for sidccar work. The borę and stroke arc respectively 85‘5 x 85 m.'m. With the cxcci>tion of the displacement of the valves. the features are the same as the oyerhead valve engine. In place of the usual type of valvc caps. four long conical shape aluminium beat dissipators are fitted. The valves themselves are 2in. diameter. and the very generous proportioning of the exhaust pipes, valve springs. and radiating fins give the engine a particularly noble appearance. The external finish is the same as the overhead valve model.



to^obyiate the ^flsnal

Magdyno is supplied

madę by the Sturmey-Archer Gear Co., and is an cxclusivc production for the A shock absorber is seif-contained m tlić clutch body. and all the wheels and shafts havc been stiffened up

■Hg|MBilUHiil^«0: A • V 1111 T 'T' ‘V 5:2 , 1 • • :v s V,0,i^!W s; .•;>

y    of a shock absortar m ihe rear box prowdes a beautifully sweet dnve.

^Williiifrtó-fit ahj- other inatce of-GistrUcned| tfcijrtfSrT’ tli liandlcbar control. The contact breaker retum spring is very neatly housed.:1h» as irłng. Tbe magnets are benvily plated. W hen dynamo łighfmg-is fitted. a 'Ijncni?

FRAME. Exceptionally strong. and will stand any ainount of abuse and misusc. All lugs are scientifically designed to adopt a straigbt tubę framc and to housc the respective nnits witliout the shgbtest amount of room being wasted. I bis point will bc particularly noticeable from the illustration. Sidccar attachment lugs are arranged in the construction and only double-

butted tubes are used. All lugs for attaching tank. toolbag. etc., are brazed on part and parcel. It is finished in four coats of best black enamel on top of niblier solution to prevent rust.

WHEELS.—26in. x 3in. fiat base. light car type. with spoke holes punched and sunk into the rim at the correct angle for the spoke. Ten gauge spokes and hubs that do positively prevent dirt getting into the bearings. and do not requirc constant adjustment. The standard tyres fitted arc 26in. x 3in. Dunlop Magnum.

TRANSM1SSION.—By lin. x lin. special double strength I lans Renold chain. The chains arc not totally enclosed, as this practice is not considered the best with a machinę having the speed rangę of tbe "Brough Superior. Adequate protection is providc<l, and tlie lubrication is arranged for the front chain by means of directing the crank case relcase on to it. The averagc life of a set of chains on the " Brough Superior is ovcr 10.000 mdes.


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