Brough Superior28talogue

Brough Superior28talogue


Cwrił BroufK cnkted Jus i>i»i Truli ...a ... ho--.l-N-.vr in l'XK) Since ihat

fimr ne ha» won .>vrr ?VK',uld Mrdala and IO(H'«n>* in n|irn f'/impet ilion,

atwaya liilinK Mai luuea    ilu namr '* HROUOH. l i..-ni

huc« yanud ilm my thin

period indudo

< łammy a Gold Medal and

prire for bml performance

in 1*112 Senltiah Si. ł)av*,    """

miny uny/e Mur, (lilii łi and aealid Tool Bana.

Winiony ilu London-Kilm but uh and baek Tnnl for I hree #»cce»tiive yrar*. 1910,

|VII, 191/,

Wmnmy 6l Untmi lnn««

out of $2 Evcnt» ni I‘>21 on " Old Bill " tfy oriitirial "SS HO."

WirnmiK ihr Alpinr < mp“

mul uu unl ful ilu* Kali h buru Mili iii ilu Amtrian 8-Day Tri«l, I92r», on lite miyiual ” SS 100 "

l\-VKrimre will tell; and ibr oni iraull ul lim lliailll fac turmy and ridiny n

perionce i» that lbc"BuouQH Sipfniiiu" |« rrcoimmrd

thiiuiylmiil Ilir worlil a. llie

" R,.IU-Rwv.> nf Moim Cycka." Md* ' Tła Skw Cyda.'

I łuna IWVM w*, u’11lin t> (nil j| w« i iipiii.uly i <i|iinl, 'llir "Itpiil CII StTi.iOOH" v*iu llie oripina) of ita typ*. mu) th» latl tlial il lia. lino copied pmlwibly mora ihnn #ny otber make of Motor Cyda i*, in itaelf.

aittnificanl. The morę it H iupied, h.iw»ver, lila inuia firrnly i» ita load ratabliahcd. fur llir* " HimiikIi Syprrior ” ta th« prudiict of a »U-termined and unw«vering pollty piirailWl aituai il wa* firm dcaiyncd, to make. not urir nf lite l*r.l, bill #/»«•


The ” Mimiyli Si.|«erim Aflar-Salr«-S<rvi«i ia com-mtntod cm in hundradi of

iMiidilfiil lal tura owncn all ovrr the world. 'I be MaL.-i llir' IIi.iiikIi Śnpanor " u very proud of the irHieaiing ntmtlwr "f " Bruuyh Superior " ndera W ho mirrę with Mr L, T.

I.ylea—" Om* ii "Bmufli .Superior" lider u/u'upi <i " Omufli Sn/wriur " rulet.

I HwiHimt nuUfcaln MU

(i)OK(.K MHOUf.ll, llimin Korni, NOTTINGHAM.



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