4 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące rozmowy w sklepie.
1 Why has the customer brought back the jeans?
2 Whal does the sales assistant suggest? i What does the customer want to do?
4 What slzc does the customer ask lor?
*5 Why is the customer liappy willi the new jeans?
6 What does the sales assistant need heforo she tan exchangc the jeans?
Jeżeli mamy do czynienia z nadmiarem czegoś, używamy słowa too.
Iftese jeans are smali far me
See Grammar Bank
5 Połącz podane elementy w zdania.
I My feet hurt |
a) but ho thinks Ihe house is t«x> noisy. |
2 Are you |
b) iihj cold lor going swlrnmlng |
t I didn t want the roses |
c| i• h) many people on the train, |
4 He li kos the room |
d) because my shoes are too smali. |
*> Thereare |
el as they were too expensive |
t> She sald Ihe sea was |
I) too young to hire a car? |
Uzupełnił zdania wyrazami z ramki.
lit receipt refund jeans czchange
1 Can I the red sweater for the blue one?
2 The shop will your money il it doesnt lit
3 You need to give them the . il you want to take it back
•1 Thesc................ . are too big lor mc.
ś Do you think they me?
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