I. WARRANTY • VOYAG£ - CARGO The vmsel. cltssed as specified m Pan I herect and to be so mtmtained duru^ che currency of this Charter, duli. with all coovenicrt dizpi^ch. aa oaifcłod W l^*du^{ Pofl<ł) naraed in »«otda*K* Mth <^»us« 4 her^ oe »o dcm JheieunU) a» sb« may wfely get (alwajs aftoałX »d beóę seaworthy. and havmg all pipei. pump* «nd houer e«lł u *ood worłung order. and bcing m ewry ropeci fiticd for the wyage. ao far ** the (orcgoing coodrtKnt* om be Mtained by tbe cscrase of duo ddusenee. penis c£ the sea and any other cause of whataocva kmJ bcyond the Owner1! and'fit Mastera control e.tccptcd. thall load (alway* tfkul). from the faotor* of the Charterer a fuli anil conydcle caijp of pctrnletcn mdfor ita producta m tulić, not exceedang what she can rcroonahly niira- and corry over and above Ser bunlcer fuel. eoraumable strres. hoiler feed. culinary and drokirg waicr, and ccmptCmeni and thor eflccu (sufficicot ipacc to be left m the tanka to provide for tbe eeparmon of the cargo), and betng jo loaded ahall forthwtth poocood, as ordered on tigrung Billi of Lading. direct to the Discłurging Port(»). or ao new thcrcunlo * she may Łifely get (always afloat). and dełiver aaid cargo If bcatingof the cargo iampjczlcd by the Charterci. the Onuce duli c.«n« due diUgeace to muntain the temperatura retpuatad
2 FREIGHT Freight ahall be ac the ratę diputaled in Part l and shnll hc onmputcd m intake quant*ty (cxc*pt dcadfreight as per Clause 3) as showts on the Inspector1* Certificate of lnapocbun Payrucnt of freight thall be madę by Chartercr wtthoui ducouM upon deloery of cargo at deacunatioo. less any diabuseniento ix advances maje to the Manta nr Oana'* igrrt.s u porti nf tnwhng md'nr dtsrimrgc and orni nf insurnnoc theram Nn deductoin of frw^il shall be marle for wntrr md/nr a-duncm ormtairyd m the wg) The servio« cf tbe Petroleum Ifispcctor thall be arranged and paid for by the Chartem who shall furrush lh«e Owner with a copy of the InspecloPs Certificate.
3 DBAOFREK1HT. Shoułd the Chartem fail to suppły a fuli cargo, the V«sel may. il the Master1* cipbon, and duli. upoo request of the Chnnercr, procecd on ber yoyigc. protsded thM the links m włuch cargo is loaded are suflsc-.entły fillcd to put ber in seaworthy conditioa In that event. hcwever. deadfieighl shall be pud « the ratę specified m Part 1 haaif nu Ow dillerenae hctwcen the intakr <yutn(ity and the quaniity the Vcwl nnuld hM crenrd if Irauleil to hrr mmirmim pennuaublo frrchwd for the vovagc
(a) The Chartem shall name the loeding pert or ports U least Pamry-fca* (24) heurs pnor to the Vessers readincss to sad from ihc list prcvtous port of ducharge, or from bunkenng port for the voy age. ot tgwn s^ung this Charter if tbe Vessel has already uiled. Koweva, Charta er shall ha\o tbe optian of orilaing the Vessel to the fot łowi ng destmanmi for wuelan ordm
On a vojNfe to a port er port* in:
ST.KnTS CambeaA or U.S. Utdf loadii^ pott(a)
PORT SA1D Eastem Meditrmaean or Penun Gulf loodutg port(s)
(from porta wwtof Port Siad.)
(b) If lawful and consrstcnt with Part I and with tbe Billi of Lading. the Chartem shall havc the nption of nominating a dnchirgsng port or ports b)‘ radio to the Masła ai or befare tlie Vesiei's amvil at or off the folkrwing plam
On a swage to a port oe perts to'
LANCCS END United KirydunyContinenl (Bcrdcaua/Hamburg rangę)
or ScandiMtya (ineluding Onmarfc)
SUSZ Meditenanean (from Peninn GulO
GIBRALTAR hłcdjtcmuican (fiwn Western Hemisphcrc)
(e) Any extra etpense incuned in cormectioo with any charge in loading or drscharging port* (ao named) nhall be paid fm by the Chartum and any trme thereby losł to the Vcssd shall count u used Laylrme.
3. LAYDAYS. Lajtrmc shall not comrocncc befere tbe dale rtrpulated in Part I. except with the Chartererts unctaon Should the Vev«cl nnt be rnarty to lood by 4 00 oclock PM (local trme) on the canwlhng itatc stipulrted in Pm I. the Chartem ahall have the opłion of cancclling this Charter by giving Ownw nociee of soch cancellation within twrnty tbur (24) houra ailer uarh uncellatic® datę, cehcrwue this Charta to renuin in M fotce aert effect
6 NOTICK OK KKADINKSS Upm imv«l al custnmary anchnragr al e«rh port nf loading or dnehirgc. tbe UWf or his agent shall pv-e the Charterer er hu ^ert netice by letto. tclegrapK wireless oe telepbone that the Vessel u ready to load or ducharge cargo, berth or im berth. and laytimc. aa hcretaaAcr prundod, shall oummmce upan the euprratron of sn (6) heun after reorrpt of such notsce, ar upon the Yeasehi amwl m bath (i e. ftnished raoanng when a i sealnadrng or ifascharging terminal and all fart when h wJmg or dischargng atoc^side a wharf), whichmrr fint occun. Iłowem, where delay is caused to Vcsscl gcttmg into berth after grving nobce or readineu for any reaaon wtr włuch Chutaer Km no uMitrid, uch rtetay shall not ooint as used laytame
7 HOURS FOR LOAD1NO AND DISCHARGING The number of runrung heasy spceified as laytimc in Part I shall bc permitted the Chartoa ■ laytimc for łokJuig ani dauhagmg cargo, but any delay Aac to tlie Veasel't coodrtron or break down or inabrUty of the Veoel's facililrm to load ar ducharge uupi within the u me allimed shnll not nount as used laytimc lf regli aticns of the Oatser <r port autbonties prebibit loading or dischupng of the cargo M nrghL trme *o lost shall not count as u*cd Uytsnc. if the Chartacr. aluppcr a canugncc ptulubili kodrag or durturgag ni mghc lunę ao lord thall count an uud laytimc Time uuwrneJ by the \rsul in nxrving from lowhng ar ducłurge pert anchorage In her loacfcng or dtsdurge herth. durhirpiy hal In X walor or ilop* will not coca! as used laytime
8. DEMURRAGS Chartem shall pay demurrage per runrung bour and pro nł» far > pat thereof it tbe ratę specified in Part I fer sil tanie tlet loadir« and diat-hrirpng wid mol laytime ■» elwwhere hetein pim-idert ecueeih the allowed laytime elsewhere herein specified If. howerer, drmurrage shall be incutTod al ptrtł of loading «l4ce ducbugc by .taaon <ń flre, Otpkrtion, stnrm or by a strie. Jockout. itoppage or restramt of labor er by break down of machinoy or erfupmem in or about the plant of the C^iartaa, suppiier. ałnpper i* cm<i|7wr or thr mrgo. the mc cf demurrage shall bc rcduecd crse-half of Ihe amourt stated in Prrt I per nasmng bour or pro rata for part of »hour for dctr.tsnge so iKurred. The Chartem shall rwt be liable for any demurrage fur delay cmated by stnkc. lockuut. itoppage or restaaint of labor fot Manta. aOicets and ciewufllie Veasei m tughuat ot psluta
!> SAPB BERTHING - SUIKT1NG The vrsset shall load aod diseboge at any stfe place or whait or alccgside vessels or lightcn rcachablc an ha *mval. ułuch shall be dsigmled md piucurcd by the Charterci. prir.-łdod the Ve«cl can procecd thaeto, li* al, and deput therefrom always safely afloat, any lighterage betng K the CtfCtDC. tlłk und pall ol tbe Chartem The Charterer shall have fric nghł of shiftmg the Veasel at porta of loading and.'or drscbiage from one safe bath to another on payment of all towage and pdotage shrflmg to noa berth, charge* for runrurg hnes on amval a. and learmg that berth. addrtrroal ageoey charges md eapense. eustoms ooestime md fee*. and my ołber extra port chargcs oe port crtpcrocs incuned by rtason of usń« morę than one herth Time constcned co account of shifling shall count a* used laytime except as otbertsise provided in Clauae 13
10 PUMTINO IN AND OUT The cargo shall bc pumped into the Vcwl at the csrpcRtc, risk md pcńl of the Chwcrcf. and shall b« punped out of tbe Vcasel at the cKpoi* of the Vnoel bu at tbe risk and pcńl of tbe Vc*sc! ody so far u tbe Yessefs pcrmaocal bose oonnectroos, where deli«iv uf the cargo thall Se Ldtcn by the Owrarcr or fta ecttsigDce. If ic^uutd by Cbuleicr, Yestscl afler rŁschirging is to elear shere pepe lmes of cargo by poiping water threugh them and Ume coosumed for this purposc shall apph agarnsl allowed laytime Ihe Vessel shaj I auppl v hrr pumpa and tbe neceaMry power for daschaigirg m all porta, aa wali as nocensay hmd* llmrwr, ihould the Vmiel be preventod from supptying »uch power by rcason of regulrtioru prołubińrig fuea oa Kwil. the Osartem ot consignee shall aupply. al il* enpoYte. all power neceaaary for diKbsrging ał we 11 al Icadrng. bU the Owner shall pay for power supplied to the Vetael for other paspasra If cargo is loaded frem lightcn. the Veasel shall funuah ateam at Chartem1! wepenac fot pampaig cargo into ite Vesad. if rwyjated by the Charterer. prcmding the Ycasel ha* fadtśie* fer gmerslmg steurn and is permitted to have frras on bctartl jMI overtime of ofllcen and crew incuned in loading andfoe dischsrging shall be for account of the Vessel
11 HOSES MOORING AT SEA TERhflNALS Iloses for loading and dischsrging shall be fumnthed hy Ihe Chartem and shall be comocted and discc«>ected by the Chartacr. or. al the Of*"* "•'*»'« Owswt. by the Owner at the Chartem1* nak and cKpcnso Uytimc shall oootinue teiti] the boses h»ve been diiconncctod When Yeasel loada or duchwga at a s«a terminal the Vessel shsll be properly ecjuipped at Owner1* expcrue for lc-adag or discbarging at such place. incliaŁng auitahle gruuml tadrle. moonng lmes and ecjuipment fer hscdling sukmarme hose*
12 IJUFS - TAXBS - WHARFAGB. The Chtrlem shall psy all tt*es. «foe* sod other charge* on the cargo, ineluding but not linuled to Custorm cnwtime on the cargo. Vm.-njclm TUbilitatrce Tac. C.I.M. Taxea at Le Hasie md Futugucse Imputlo de Comercao Manlime The Chartacr shall abo pay all tarci on freaght at loadnig or diłchnrgmg p>xu md my taiuaual amessments «*) *ovemmenul chargcs whicłi are not prcscntly in cCTcct bu włuch may be imposed m tbe fuure oo the Ve*«l or frrighl The Owner shall pay all ihres and other charci co i>c Vtn* 1 (ubether or not such due* or chargm are asseaanJ on tha basis of qu*nSity of cargo), includmg ban n« limited to Freneh droita de <)uai ud Spsnish denarna* tace*. The Veucl ahall be free of diKges for the uac of any »W. doek. place or moonng faetlity arranged by tbe Chartem for the pupose of loading nr di«ełwrK«i£ a*V’. howesrr. tbe Ownrr shall be responsble for chrrgo for such bath when used aolely for Vea*el"» purpane*, muh m awsiting Oarwr'* orda*, tank doming, repom, etc before. durśng or after loading or dmiiirgrrę
13 (■> CARGOES EXCLUDED VAK>R PftESSURE. Cargo thall not be shrpped which ha* a vapar pmiurc nt one huruknl drgmes Fahrenheit (100 deg F ) in cxces* of tturteai and one-half pjunds (13.3 łba) aa dctciiiuricd by Ihe uercnl ASTM Methnd (Kred) IV323
(b) FLASH POINT Cargo hroag a flash poust usda one hemdred and fiftecn dcj^cea Fahrenheit (113 deg F.) (dased cup) ASTM Methnd D-5d ahall not bc loaded from ktffien ta this cUutc ahall aA reatr id the Ourtcrw from loading or loppirtg off Cmdc Osi frrm ve»seU or barges Wilde or outsidc the bar at any pcet or place where bar oonditico* exisl
14 (a) 1CE In case port of loading or ducharge ihould be macccuibłe owing to K*. tha Vow«l shall drrect Ser oourae nrtordmg to MateFa judpncnL notifV»g by telegriph oe ladw. if avarlable, the Charterer*. shipper or oonsignee. who is bound to tełegyoph er radio order* for another port. which u free frem Ke and wbae tlicie are I»l-iI<1>oi for the kwdmg or receptico of the cargo in bulk The wholc of the limo occupied from the Ume the Yessel a drverted by rea^m of the iee unUl ha mml at nn w^foe port of loading er ducharge. u the caac may be. ahall ba pod for by thr Chartem at the demunage ratę aUpmlated in Kart i
(b) If on account of iee the Master ecesiden it dangerou* to enter or rtnuun at my lowlmg or itodunong pŁsce for fett ol the Vessel being frozen in er dam^td. Uie Maslei shall commumcata by telcgiaph m radio, if availahle. with the Chartem. rfupp« er eonstgnee of the cargc. who shall telegraph ot radio tura in tepły, pvirg ordera to pmoeed to anothet port as pcrCItuse 14 (») where there is no danger of iee and whae there are the ncccsaary facilitiea fes the loading or receptom of the cargo ai bulle, or to rernao at the onginal poit at thar ruk. md in ciihrrcme Cnolrrcr to pay for the timc tłiat the Vcuel nuy be delay od, at the demurrage ratę stipulated in Part I
15 TWO OR MORĘ PORTS COUNTING AS ONE. To the extcnt that tbe freight rat* stardird ol rełerence ^tectfted w Part IF bereof peoMdes fot tpsecial gioupwnp o* oimbrutioca of porta or tennauls. any two or morę ports or tenranals within eorh su* grmrp.r« or cambńtation thall cotoM u coc port fc* purpuaea nf irakulatirc fmp#t and danmtge only. aubject to the foDowńg oondiUons
(•) Chartem ahall pay trefił al th* tajihod r«r pnyablo undtr Part IF bereof foe a voy*#e between the loolirg and diachorgo porta usnl by Chartem
(b) All chargcs notmally incuned by reaaon of uung mara than one bath shall hc for Chartem1* account as provi<3ed in Clauae 9 heroof
(c) Time tunuencd dufUng between the porta ot lerrmnals wttha tbe particular grotęing cr csimbinatom duli not count w used laytime