The same steps as described above are followed to reaclivate the automatic switch-on. The message 1GNS ON* is shown on the display.
The aulomatic switch-on is aclivafód when the unit has baon disconnectod and Iheo connected again to ihe operating voitage.
lf a CD has been inserted into the unit when switchod off (see section "Insert CD" on paga 29), tha unit will switch on automa-tically and play the CD. If the CD Is ejec-led, the unit wil I (u rn itself off again,
The unit will automalicaJly switch off one hour afrar iha car lgnltk>n has been turhed ofl. The automatic swltoh-off funcllon is independent ot the automalic switch-on.
* Turn knob 0.
* Puli knob O.
* Tum knob,
* Dapress retractable koob O.
* Turn |he knob.
Tha knob relracts out,
< Dapress the knob to retom it to mtrected position.
The Molume is regulatad in accordance with the speed of ttie vahicle. You Cen regulale Ihis voluma control.
* Keep[UML] $ koy depressed until the confirmadon signal l&given,
* Set tha dasired vofume increase usingths search buttons 0 and O ,
rSD-VOL 0"or v$D-VOL +fHto *SD-VOL -^'app^ars on the display.
* Depressthe [UML] © keyagain uniiI the confirmation signal Is gtvop ih order to storę the setting.
The automatic yolume regulation is nol actlve in Ihe setting "SD-VOL 0".
If you do nol depress any key within 10 ssc> onds, than Ihe previous setting will ramain stored.