You can remove the CD from the unit as described above, even wtienthe radio is switched off. If you do not taka the CD out, it will be retumed back into the unii after approx. 5 aeconde. The radio unit siibse-quently switches off again,
During CD Playback, (ha fransmitter fre-ąuency or tha radio stalton designation (for RDS liansmitters) ot the VHF stalion łasi heard can ba dfsplayed
Depressfhe [UML] $ keyfor a shorttimc. Tha deslred Information will be displaycd forsseconds,e.g. "Ut 101.2’'.
During these 5 secands, a dllferent radio station can be recalled, ora searoh can be &iaded using the search keys.
If ihe traffic radio (TP) function is acitve, or if it is activated during pfay-backof a CD. tha radio unit wili automatically search for the strongest traffic radio transmitter If the radio station last heard can no longer be received.
If an installed car telephona is connected to the unit, the radio will go into tetephdne modę when a cali comes in,
The display will show "PHONE", In order to utilize the tclephone modę, the car tele-phone musi be connected to the radio by an authorized Opel dealer.
Display ofan irtcoming Cali Set Telephone Yolume Lev*l
You can preset the volume tevel for 1he telephone and independently from the nor-mal yolume lor the radio unit.
* Turn radio off.
* Kcop [TP] key depressed and turn the radio on again.
The oonfirmation signal will be given, The preset voJume level will appear on the display, e.g. "PW-YOL +fM.
* Sefect the desired selling between -3 and -1-3 using the search keys $ and ®
* Again keep the {TP] key depressed urttil ihe Confirmation signal is given.
The selling will be stored.
N ihe [TP] key is not depressed within 10 seconds, the unit will revert lu its origir setting without storrng any changes.
The yolume level can be adjiisted during i incoming calt by usrng Ihe knob O •
When the traffic radio is activated (symbtf 7TP]” on tłie display) and a telephone cali is received during a traffic announcemem the incoming cali will be given preccdenc? By use of Ihe bulion [TP] 0 , you are afcl to interchange in such cases between the running traffic announcement and the tele phone cali.