standard for weight soundings as described above except for presentation of the results and in cotrmon procedures for ram-soundings in Sweden, Finland and Norway. In Denmark the ram penetrome-ter rods are often used without a point.
With respect to static sounding there are reasons to expect a close cooperation between Sweden and Norway where the interests in static sounding are very large. Also with respect to soil-rock sounding the prospects for a close Scandinavian cooperation are good.
BER60AHL, U., 1969. Resultat av fbrsbk med vikt-sond. (Results from Swedish weight sounding tests.) Scand1navian Meeting on Penetratlon Testlng, Stockholm Oct. 5-6, 1967.Stat. Geot. Inst. SSrtr. o. Prel. Rapp., No 3lp 51-79.
BERGDAHL, U. & DAHIBERG, R., 1973. Utveckl1ng av den svenska hejarsonderingsmetoden. Del av verk-samheten lnom SGF:s sonderlngskommittś. (Deve-lopment of the Swedish Ram-Sounding Method.Part of research work 1n the Commlttee on Penetratlon Testlng of the Swed. Geot. Soc.) Stat.Inst. f. Byggn. forskn., Rapport R72: 1973.
DAHLBERG, R., 1972. Utveckling av motorslag-sonderlngsmetoden. (Development of the L1ght Motor-Percussion Sounding Method.) V8g- och Vattenb. No 5, 1972, p. 237-239.
JONELL, P., 1973. Akustisk trycksond. (Acous-tlcal Static Penetrometer.) Lecture del1vered at a meeting on static penetratlon testlng held at the Swed. Geot. Inst. Feb., 5, 1973.
/To be published In the SGI publication series./
KALLSTENIUS, T., 1961. Development of two Modern Contlnuous Sounding Methods. Proc. 5th Int.Conf. on Soli Mech. and Found. Engng., Paris, Vol. 1, p. 475-480.
KALLSTENIUS, T., 1973. Erfarenheter frin tryck-sondering. (Experiences from static soundings.) Lecture del1vered at a meeting on static penetratlon testlng held at the Swed. Geot. Inst. Feb. 5, 1973.
/To be published In the SGI publication series./
LUNDIN, S.-E., STEPHANSSON, 0. & ZETTERLUND, P., 1973. Geoteknisk databank. (Geotechnlcal data bank.) Stat. Inst. f. Byggn. forskn., Rapport R 70: 1973.
LUNDEGARDH.P. H., LUNDQVIST, 0. & LINDSTRUM, M., 1964. Berg och jord 1 Sverige. (Rocksand soils 1n Sweden.) Almqvist & Wlksell/Gebers Fbrlag.
LUNDQVIST, J., 1965. The Quatemary of Sweden.
The Quaternary, Vo1. I, p. 139-198. John Wiley & Sons.
MAGNUSSON, N. H., LUN0QVIST, G. & REGNELL, G., 1963. Sveriges geologl. (Geology of Sweden.) Svenska Bokforlaget/Norstedts.
KORFELDT, C.-0., BERGMAN, M. & LUNDSTROM, L., 1973. Bergundersbknlngar. KvalitetsvSrdering av undersbkningsmetoder. (Rock mass 1nvestigations. Evaluat1ons of methods.) Stat. Inst. f. Byggn. forskn., Rapport R34: 1973.
NILSSON, S., 1973. A new static sounding dev1ce developed by Nil eon AB. Lecture delivered at a meeting on static penetratlon testlng held at the Swed. Geot. Inst. Feb. 5, 1973.
/To be published 1n the SGI publication series./
SUKJER, G., 1961. Sounding, Measurement of Shear Strength In Situ and Sampling by means of the Hellcal Sounding Borer Dr1ven by the Borlng Machinę A sond. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Engng.,Paris, Vol. 1, p. 541-545.
Atlas bver Sver1ge (National Atlas of Sweden), 1953-1971. Generalstabens Lltografiska Anstalts Fbrlag, Stockholm.
Brobyggnadsanv1sningar (Design Codę for Bridges), 1969. Statens VSgverk, P TB 103.(Nat. Sw. Road Adm., P TB 103.)
Forslag till standard och rekommendatloner fbr utfbrande av jord-bergsondering (Proposed Standard and Recommended Procedures for Soi 1-Rock Sounding), 1973. Draft del1vered to the Nat. Sw. Bulld. Res. by the so1l-rock sounding group of the Swedish Commlttee on Penetratlon Testing.
Nordiskt sonderingsmbte 1 Stockholm 5-6 oktober 1967. Fbredrag och dlskussioner. (Scandinavian Meeting on Penetratlon Testing 1n Stockholm Oct. 5-6, 1967. Lectures and Discusslons.) Stat.Geot. Inst. SSrtr. o. Prel. Rapp. No 31, 1969.
Nordiskt sonderingsmbte 1 OtnSs 5-6 maj 1971. Fbredrag och dlskussioner. (Scandinavian Meeting on Penetratlon Testlng at OtnSs May 5-6, 1971. Lectures and Discusslons.) Flnlands Geoteknlska Fbrening, 1973.
Svensk byggnorm (Swedish Bullding Codę). 1967. Statens Planverk, Publikation Nr 1. (Nat.Swedish Board of Urban Plannlng, Publication No 1.)