Bułgaria 25
the number of the rammer strokes on the anvil for penetratlon of the standard column 10 cm - and the soli type with the aid of tne formulae fort
- gravel sand E = 8 - 9 (8)
- sand S = 6,5 N1Q + 3 (9)
- olayey sand £ =6,7 JŁjq - 24 (10)
- sandy clay E = 4,3 N^q - 27 (11)
- clay B = 4 N1q - 11 (12)
Analogically the modulus of generał deformation Kq is determined with the
aid of the formulse fort
- gravel sand BQ = 2 &|q + 2 (13)
- sand Bq = 16 £10 - 12 (14)
- olayey sand EQ = 17 - 80 (15)
- sandy clay Bq = 11 1L|q - 88 (16)
- olay EQ = 9,5 N10- 50 (17)
In the same Instruotion the interpreta-tion is deduoed from the data obtalned from operation with dynamie penetro-meter with tub ular tip*
The relation is also glyen for conyer-sion of the data IL0 obtalned after operation with dynamio penetrometer -light typa. In another lssue is glyen a Table ln whloh, depending on the ^ at
operation with statio penetrometer Ir on &-0 at operation with dynamie penetro-merer - light type and the type of the coherent soli, the admissible soli loadlng is glven ln kp/om2 at admissible mean settlement of the bullding or oon-struction of about 5 cm* The results from the penetratlon for determining the carrylng capacity of the filling plles are used rarely.
N e e d 8 of futurę d e v e-lopment of testlng equipment and test-Ing methods
The penetratlon methods still contaln many unrevealed possibiUties for in-yeatigation of foundation soile* Thls will requlre further deyelopment of the ezperimental equipment* Our test shows that the slmple design of the eąuipment, without, of oourse, lmpalrlng lts accu-racy, renders posslbllities for less dama ges, fewer attendants, relatiyely better safety and lower costs*
Bor obtaining mutually oomparable results the basie parameter of the equip-ment used for inyestigation of foundation solid ln situ, should be standard-ized and beoome blndlng upon a 11 coun-tries*
We would welcome the standardization of the eąuipment and the methods for pene-tration on International leyel.
As we already mentioned, the respectiye standards and nozmatiye doouments are lssued ln Bułgaria*