Bułgaria 23
Bułgaria 23
Tabłe 4
Number of strokes for pen tratlon of the standard oolumn - 10 om |
e- Consl8teno: indez *0 | ||
Olayey a and |
Bandy olay |
Olay | |
<4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 10 >10 |
<7 7- 8 8- 10 10-16 >16 |
<3 3- 5 5- 7 7-14 >14 |
0<=I0<0,2J 0,255: Ia<0,5( 0,50^ Ie< 0,7! 0,75$ Ig d |
Tabłe 5
Number of strokes for |
Belatiye |
penetration of the |
density |
standard oolumn - 10 om | |
<10 |
0^Id<1/3 |
10-25 |
1/35 ID< 2/3 |
>25 |
2/3«cId<1 |
4*Interpretation and eyaluation o f the r e s u 1 t 8
Offloial lnstruotiona ara issued in Bułgaria for determinlng the soli properties by tests with statio and dynami o penetrometer*
The lnstruotiona ara valid for determinlng the oonaistenoe9 the ralatlya density, the angle of internal friotion, the modulus of conrpreesibility and the moduł-us of generał aeformation. In the dynamie penetration for a depth z > 6, a oorrelation la madę and the number of the rammer strokes for penetration of 10 om, ia reduoed by 15 par cent* 4*1* Statie penetration test
When the test ia oarried out with statie penetrometer the oonsiatence of the oo-herent soiła is determined with the aid of Tabłe 29 depending on the tip resiat-anoe 0^ d and the Density indez of non-
Tabłe 2
Tip re8i8tanoe ^ kg/om2 |
Conaistenoy indez *0 |
5 |
<0 0 - 0f25 |
5-10 |
0,25 - 0,50 |
0 1 •a VJ1 |
0,50 - 0,75 |
15-30 |
0,75 - 1,00 |
30-60 |
- |
60 |
>1 |
ooherent soiła - with the |
aid of Tabłe 3* |
Table 3 | |
Tip resistanoe ^ kg/cm2 |
Density indez *D |
<45 |
0 - 1/3 |
45 - 110 |
1/3 - 2/3 |
>110 |
2/3 - 1 |
The angle of the interział friotion ia determined with the aid of the nomogram ahown on Fig* 5 worked out on the basie of the wełł known diagram of E.E.de Baer depending on the tip reaiatanoe d in kp/om 9 the depth of testing z in i, meaaured from the surfaoe of the gro and and the ayerage unitę welght f ot the soil layars 0^
The modulus of oompressibllity K in kg/osr which oorresponda to the modułua deterained in lo do me ter, ia determined with relatlozuto the tip re ais tance 0V A in kp/omr
and the modulus of generał Information Kq whioh oorresponda to the modułua determined by me ans of łoading frame with a cross section 5000 onr
Eo = 4 °k,d - <2)
4*2* Dynamie penetration test
When testa are oarried out with dynamie penetrometer - light typa the eonaist-enoe ia determined with the aid of Tabłe 4 and the relative density - with Tabłe 5*
The angle of the internal friotion ia determined depending on the number of strokes on the anyll for penetration of the standard oolumn 10 om - the
soił typa, the depth of penetration Z ln meters and the ayerage unitę welght y in p/cm^ of the soil layers oyer the plaoe of the reading N1Q with the aid
of the no mo gram on Fig* 5, or the number of the strokes la conyerted in ad-yanoe into tip reaiatanoe 0^ d with the aid of the formulae fort
- grayel sand |
°k,d = |
5R,o + 10 |
(3) |
- 8 and |
°lc,d B |
W10 + 7 |
W |
- olayey sand |
°k,d = |
4,2H1q - 10 |
(5) |
- sandy olay |
°k,d = |
2,7H10 - 12 |
(S) |
- olay |
°)C,d = |
2,4k10 - a |
(7) |
The modulus of compresslbillty K in kp/om ia determined with relation to