This Appendix compriscs the Ship/Shore Safety Check List (Parts A & C), Cuidelines relating to the Check List and a specimen łetter for issue by the terminal representative to masters of tankers at terminals.
Ship's Name | |
Berth |
Port |
Datę of Arrival |
Time of Arnval |
The safety of operations requires that all qucstions should oe answered affirmatnrery by dearly tkking (✓; the appropriate bo* If an affirmatwe answer is not possible. the reason should be grven and agreement reached upon appropnate precautions to be laken botween the ship and the terminal Where any question is conydered to be not applirable. then a notę to that affect should be inserted in the remarks column
A bo* in the coiumns 'ship' and 'terminal' indicates that checfcs should be carned out by the party concerned The presence of the letters A, P or R in the column 'Codę' indicates the following.
A any referenced procedures and agreements should be m wribng m the remarks column of this check list or other mutually acceptable form. In either case, the signature of both parties should be required.
P - in the case of a negatńre answer the operation should not be carried out without the permissson of the Port Authority R indicates items to be rechecked at intervals not e*ceedmg that agreed m the dedaration.