


Cuddly Animals

Fig 2 Cbsc the opening ot the nose bypressJng K undM togcdiei ojkJ slilchrng

Bear Cub

In this pattern, Ilu* body has en insert I >iece for the front enabling ilu* loy to sil limity. The Irace-ofl patterns are on pages 34-35.

Materials required

Finished sizc lfk:m (7in) tali 4fxm (I8in) square ol short pile fur 15cm (Gin) square. ol lleece foi sole and eai linings

I pairol I5mrn ('mi) amber sale ty eyes 50y (2q/.) of st lifting Str.mded embroidery cotton

Making the pattern

From the trace-ofł patterns on pages 34-35 tracę all the shapes and make a set of card patterns. Transfer all markings. A seam allowance of 6mm (‘ iin) is included on all pieces.

Cutting out

Place the card patterns on the wrony side of tiie fur fabric. taking notę ol the pile direction anows. Notę that the broni Head can be rut eithei willi the pile Strokiny back łrom tht? Snout oi down trom the Ears. Decrde which you prefei, then cut a |>air as instnicted. Cut a pair of Front I leads. a paii of Bark I leads. a pair of Front Bodies, a pair of Side Bodies, four Fars. one Base and one SnouL Cul Iwo Soles from fleece.

To make the Bear Cub

On the broni Body pieces. fotel the Arms and I .egs to the licjlit sickr and stilch the COiltOiir darts on the dotterI linę (see pattern). These bring the limbs forward and help the Cub to sit projieily, Trim the fabric away close to the seam to release

Fig 1 Foid ttnHead n > holi and lintsh the seam K-J-L Stftch front the nose to the neck

tension in tłu* darts.

Stilch Iho Front Bodies toyether down the centro front A - B.

Stilch the Side Bodies loyether from C D. then position the Base and stilch in place D b. on each side.

Match the completed Front Body to the Side Bodies. Basie the Arms loyether, making surę that the pile is t.ucked in away from the seam. Stilch the Front and Side Bodies toyether from the neck. around tlie arms and to the loot at F. Stltch from the boltom of the loot to I on each side. L.eave tlie seam between b E opon.

Clip the comers at the top of the Anns and between the Arms and I egs.

Match the Sole to the foot at I and hasto in place before sewiny by hand.

Tum the completed Body riyht side ouL Cbeck that the leys sil forward and if necessaiy resew deeper contour darts to achieve tl ie correct position. Turn wrony side out and dose the seam b b_ Turn the skin riyht side out ayain and stuli tlie body firmly, making surę that the Cub sils eomfortabiy and bas a rounded stornach. Close the back opening with I adder stilch. Run a yathering lluead around the neck and draw il up to roli the law edges inwards.

Making the Head

Stitch the Front I leads toyether O—H Open out to position the Snout. Stitch the Snout in place from tlie centre al I I to J on each side in turn. easiny the seam. Take oare hecause the snout can easily twist to one side in workiny.

hołd the I lc*ad in hall down the centre front matching K-K. J-J and L L. Stitch from the tip ol the nosc K down to neck edye L (b ig l). Ib close the opening at the tip of the nose. open tlie seam at K and press the raw tuJges toyether so that K arid M cornc toyetlier. Stitch across tlie opening as shown (big 2).

Stitch the Back Mcads toyetlier down Ilu* centre back. Basic the liars toyethei


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