

Cuddly Animals

inpdirs Hien machine-sljlch. Tum right sicie out. ctean the seams Hien basie in jxxsition on Ihe I łead as shown on the paltem. Stitch tlio Front and Back Meads lołjetlier. lum tlić completcd Head right sicie out and check the posilion of the

eyes before inscrting them (refer to Fig I. page 12 for the lechniques).

Stuli the Snout firmly fiist and hołd the stułfing ni place by working a criss-cross web of stitches between lite seam formed by stitching J I I J. Continue stuffing Ihe I lead. Ladder-sUtch the Head to the Body. Fmbroider a nose aiul moulh similar in shape to Ihat ol Ihe Teddy (Fig 3. page 27) but smaller.

Insi rut 1 wis fot motany ihe f<>\ ,uo on fwies. >(> »V


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