scrtcd in thc machinę whcre it plays and rcwinds automatically.
The companion 1ape unit operates at 3.75 ips and has four-track. two-chan-ncl heads. The player-recorder is 18" wide. 15" deep. and 12" high in a porta-ble carrying casc. Auxiliary speakera lor stereo applications are available at
additional cost. Either stereo or mono-phonic homo rccordings can be madę on thc machinę and dircct rccordings t either stereo or mono) madę from phonograph. radio, or TV. Live voice or musie recordings in either modę can be madę by using acccssory microphones.
The R. T. Bosak Sal es Com]Mnu/. Dn-rien. Conn. is now offering a new, small-sizc speaker system which is beingmarketed as the “Spinel.”
Designcd espe-cially for those with o.Ntremely limited space. the new s y s t em measures 14’-*" x23*4"x11li". The “Spinet" is avail-ablc in two model s-—one with the
two-way B-500 system and the other with the three-way H-502 speaker system. Each model utilizcs the same in-tegrated components found in the man-ufacturcr*s larger units.
The modern cabinet may be used vcr-tically or horizontally. The enclosures come in mahogany, wal nut, blonde, or cbony finishes or unfinishe<l for those who wish to match the cabinet to ex-isting deeor. Flirther information and complcte spocifications on those two models are aeailable from the manu-lacturer.
Fisher Radio Cor/ioratioH. 21-21 44th Drive, Long Island City 1. N. Y. has rcccntly introduced a new master audio control/duplex amplilier unit which has been designated as the Model X-101 A.
Mounted on a single, compact chassis, this unit combines a two-channcl preamplificr-equa!izer. complcte audio Controls, and a 40-watt two-channel power amplilier with a reservc peak-power rating of 75 watts. The unit will opera te equally well in both stereo and mono modes. Twe!ve inputs per mit any program source, stereo or mono, to be used with maximum cflfcctiecness, and any existing phono cartridge—ceramic, October, 1959
From the same engineers who createcl the widely acclaimed “Per-fectempo” Turntable comes a revolutionary new concept in turn-table design: a dual*drive system consisting of two hysteresis-synchronous motors, operating in tandem through one belt drive.
The motors are spaced exactly 180° apart. Any variations in the 33/3 RPM speed are automatically compensated for by the interaction of the motors and impregnated belt. Rumbie and noise are virtually eliminated by the belt drive and a uniąue suspension system.
Tonę arm, pin plugs, A.C. cords, wired for stereo, ready to use for $69.95 (Audiophile Net, Zonę 1).
Your dealer is listed in the Yellow Pages—or write for com> plete details to Stromberg-Carlson, Special Products Division, 1477 N. Goodman Street, Rochester 3, N. Y.
“There is nothing finer than a Stromberg-Carlson”