cp 41
prevalence of tubcrculosis and other respiratory diseases such as colds. influenza and pncumonia. wbich cach spring, winter and fali take their toll of precious livcs. What should bc done about it—cvcrybody wonders but nobody knows. Doctors. health officers. shout and thunder their advicc and warnings in vain—still tbe invisiblc army of diseasc germs marches on.
iVi» mmn tttr ttmoJ thui, rtttpl * pronng Copt. RoJngmrt' ihtory. tka! naturę lakrt of ih* onimah-
Truć. herc and tbcrc somc Progress is madę, but did you cvcr analyze dosely the progress as to wbere the dcath-ratc has been cut.' Most of the gain is in the decrease of the dcaths of infants.
Ask any doctor if this isn't truć' Raby livcs are saved. and why? They at least are too young to have had their bodies stunted. dwarfed and per-haps discascd by means of bad posturę. They are hclpless little creaturcs and medical scientists have paid a great deal of attention to them which knowlcdgc has bcen passed on to millions of mothers who have courageously applied the good advice with excellent results.
But this gain and this extraordinary care lasts only through infancy. At school age the children get far less medical and parental attention than during infancy where-upon they die faster. get sick easier. get out of shape rcadily and soon acquirc all the bad habits of their elders and thosc who went before them. Again what is the answer?
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