FTER having leamed thc posturę mcthod. .tir is thc next essential. Nowadays one hears much of airing and proper ventilation—in fact, everybody writing on health gives a lew tips on how much air one nceds. 1 have visited many of the ozonc cnthusiasls but am sorry to say. I must admit. that my visits have always turned out to be disappointments.
Humanity Fears Air
WHY? Thcy don’t know. To walk in correct posturę in the pure air. without picking out good weather. is the greatest health stimulant man can indulge in. Cold or snów —sun or douds—rain or winds—put on a raincoat. draw in thc upper abdomen forcefully—hołd it thcrc tightly—start walking—and thc world is yours! The fresh air situation is a critical one. cspccially to the ones who do not know its vatuc. but how can peoptc be cducated to know that ALL WEATHER is good for them. when names such as "Ru Weather" and "Pneumonia Weather" are suggested—cven by physicians. Just last Sunday I heard a sermon in a church by a well-known preacher—"God. give us strength"—or words to that effect were used by this Rcvcrend gentleman, but every window in this church was properly elosed. and God was not allowcd insidc. After thc sermon. when the pcople began to get the rcal God—air and rain (for it was raining)—all one could hear was. "This terrible weather: such weather is awful!" "This is a terrible climate." came from thc Revercnd himself. forgetting that thc pcople herc live just as long as anywhere clsc.
THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER. Air bas never killcd anyone. but it is the lack of it that is causing many to