CROCHET 2520TODAY 2520 2520Apr May 252020070043

CROCHET 2520TODAY 2520 2520Apr May 252020070043

artful accessories

Whip up these beautiful lace motifs in no time fiat—a great first project for those new to thread crochet!

By Angola Spencer

włwt youll need

AUNIIYWS OuKOsoW S«* 10. aadl bał apana 350|4>nOM (ceasoł 1bill«50A(|^oi#4$5 Wood V»olot or Htt Gbldeti Yellow

Sóa 5 (l.90mm) stool crochol t\ook orany lin IooUm correct geuge

& plssiic rings, 17?.Bem diametar

2 post ternngs with ring anachment

2 smali tfocorouvc beads (lor (roni of largo neeklaca)

the yarn

Ctessk Cnchet INwd Sue 10 « Aeu8

2 round doeor atiwi beada (lor nbbons m ondS of larga nocklacal

2 lengtha ol 5P/l;5ćril wtda ribbon. each4r/122cm Metal Jowolry Chain nich closp.nuil lump rings for smali necklaoe Thraad and notdie


tinun#o fnwi ifrnv?nu Aopror Zf/h5an taco


1 eairing . 2XV58cm usrtg we 5(1.90mm) sieci croehtthook

Rm&nOer (o cfiod gauge for best resuttsl

how to mąko a gauge swatch Mąko I earring. One earring should measurt approx r/2.5on Adjust hook sin H necessary loo&tain correct gauge.

EARRING (mak* 2)

Jom tfread widi sc ia ring

1 Se no ring 60 omes: jem wtt> sls* in firstsc. •

Raw 2 Oi 6 leoimtt as dc di a nea 2 sc *di 3. A nad 3 sc. dc b not 2 ac npeat front‘6 men fu. 2 sc dc eta sc I*mv renamag sts maorted Raw 3 Oi 3. fen. (2 dc. di 3.3 dd in fest di-3 sp (bogeninfl shall maOo>.(3 dc. di 3,3 de) in oach cf>'3 sp across (Shell mado) - 9 shełls.

Fas ten off.

NECKLACE MOTIF (make 3 for larg© versśon; 1 for smali ver$ion)

Work es (or earflng ihrough Rew 3.

Row 4 Oi 3. łurn. (3 dc di 3.3 dc) (n each di-3 sp across (shell mado), dc in top o< lumłng di - 9 sheUl

Raw S O 4. arn. sc n ncd cK3 sp. efe 4. Mcmsp beOMdn sheRs. di 4. sc in nu tfi-3 sp. di 4. npe« (rom * 7 morę tmes. dc fi lop d tmrę tft Raw • Oi 1. fen. (sc. di 3 sc. ch 3. sd m aadi cM sp acress. FasMn od.

Abbreviations used in this pattern

di diałn dc dotfcte crochat k lingla crodiai sk skip •P M**» il M łipuirdi »«<«) Miuhtał)

•    ItapaM dractiom loilomng

*    ai many tknął as indicatad.

apeclel abbmyisdans

łhall <3 dc, «h 3,3 dd ki feyfcatad i


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