By Angola Spencer
włwt youll need
AUNIIYWS OuKOsoW S«* 10. aadl bał apana 350|4>nOM (ceasoł 1bill«50A(|^oi#4$5 Wood V»olot or Htt Gbldeti Yellow
Sóa 5 (l.90mm) stool crochol t\ook orany lin IooUm correct geuge
& plssiic rings, 17?.Bem diametar
2 post ternngs with ring anachment
2 smali tfocorouvc beads (lor (roni of largo neeklaca)
the yarn
Ctessk Cnchet INwd Sue 10 « Aeu8
2 round doeor atiwi beada (lor nbbons m ondS of larga nocklacal
2 lengtha ol 5P/l;5ćril wtda ribbon. each4r/122cm Metal Jowolry Chain nich closp.nuil lump rings for smali necklaoe Thraad and notdie
tinun#o fnwi ifrnv?nu Aopror Zf/h5an taco
1 eairing . 2XV58cm usrtg we 5(1.90mm) sieci croehtthook
Rm&nOer (o cfiod gauge for best resuttsl
how to mąko a gauge swatch Mąko I earring. One earring should measurt approx r/2.5on Adjust hook sin H necessary loo&tain correct gauge.
Jom tfread widi sc ia ring
1 Se no ring 60 omes: jem wtt> sls* in firstsc. •
Raw 2 Oi 6 leoimtt as dc di a nea 2 sc *di 3. A nad 3 sc. dc b not 2 ac npeat front‘6 men fu. 2 sc dc eta sc I*mv renamag sts maorted Raw 3 Oi 3. fen. (2 dc. di 3.3 dd in fest di-3 sp (bogeninfl shall maOo>.(3 dc. di 3,3 de) in oach cf>'3 sp across (Shell mado) - 9 shełls.
Fas ten off.
Work es (or earflng ihrough Rew 3.
Row 4 Oi 3. łurn. (3 dc di 3.3 dc) (n each di-3 sp across (shell mado), dc in top o< lumłng di - 9 sheUl
Raw S O 4. arn. sc n ncd cK3 sp. efe 4. Mcmsp beOMdn sheRs. di 4. sc in nu tfi-3 sp. di 4. npe« (rom * 7 morę tmes. dc fi lop d tmrę tft Raw • Oi 1. fen. (sc. di 3 sc. ch 3. sd m aadi cM sp acress. FasMn od.
di diałn dc dotfcte crochat k lingla crodiai sk skip •P M**» il M łipuirdi »«<«) Miuhtał)
• ItapaM dractiom loilomng
* ai many tknął as indicatad.
apeclel abbmyisdans
łhall <3 dc, «h 3,3 dd ki feyfcatad i