physkjue, and, for wrestling, possessed enormous strength, but they could not raise heavy weights. You see, wrestling calls into play rather difterent muscles from weight-lifting. Perhaps it will not give good triceps, tlierefore I sltould not expect a tnan like Madrali to be good at a doublc-handed press overhead from the shoulder, body erect. and back against the wali, although 1 should expect liim to raise a heavy weight from the floor, wbere the baek and legs eonie promincntly into play.
Weight-lifting is better training for wres'tling, to my mind, as far as the muscles are conccrned, than wrestling is for weight-lifting. I may say that sonie of the best wrestlers in the world were weight-lifters before they were wrestlers, and have found their deveIopmcnt and strength of great use in wrestling, and this decelopnient and strength were gained by weight-lifting. The best instancc 1 ean point to is George Hackenschmidt.
No nian can expect to be an all-round champion, and if your favorite sport is weight-lifting? then only practice the diflferent sports you are interested in as a means to an etui, the end to be weight-lifting. Do not make them an end in themselves, as if you did then it would probably be adeisable to adopt quite a ditferent system of training with weights. You would have to use light weights and do quite different e.\ercises. Ueaw weight-lifting is good for wrestling; it would also be good training for throwing the weight, and, perhaps. for putting the shot, also for gymnastic work, but it would not be good for boxing, that is if you wished to be a champion boxer.
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