

is i[uitc wrong to endcavor to fix a man's ability by his measure-inents. also to gaugc a nian’s strcngth front muscular photos. To prove this I would say that 1 have seen a 290-pound bar beli raised clean by my brother Kurt, when his biceps nteasurement was only 15J4 inches and his weight 168 pounds. I will now proceed to explain how a ntan should be examined tor physical power in relation to weight-lifting, In the first place a tran may not have a surprisingly large upper arm, but he may have an enormously powerful deltoid ntuscle. When Kurt only measured 15}4 inches around his biceps he had trcntendous deeelopmetit in the deltoids, and these tmtscles cotne strongly into play in raising weights not only overhead, but also to the shoulders, and, in fact, in all Iifts, Therefore, exantine a man Itere rather tltan the upper arm. Ile was also extreme!y strong in the back and in the Iegs; therefore, exantine the muscle known as the spinus erectic, and also the thigh muscles. If a man should only measure 22 or 23 inches round the thigh do not condcmn him as being light in the leg because you havc heard that anoflter strong man measures 27 or 28 inches. Examine the thigh just above the knee. Here sonie powerful muscles are siluated which are not measured in meas-uring the thigh, and one man with a light thigh on paper may in reality have a much stronger pair of legs than another man with a much larger thigh, but who has not the strength I refer to just above the knee.

Still further a man is handicapped who has smali and weak wrists, although he may have a tremendous deeeloprnent else-where. Therefore a man with 15-inch biceps and a strong wrist will raise a hearier weight in any position than another man with 16-inch biceps who has a smali and weak wrist. Bonę and sinew strength count for much in weight-lifting, and all the above points, you will admit. cannot be taken into consideration in con-26


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