‘‘Baths and niassage. I may add, play important parts in an alhlete's program, and I cannot speak too ltighly of the former. They draw the stiffness front the muscles, and the massage brings al! the littlc rccognized thews and sinews into use and subjection."
THE measurements given helów will no doubt be interesting on account of (1) the fact that I ant recognized as the strongest man on earth, and (2) the fact that they are accuratc measurements, whereas in most cases it is usual to add a few inchcs to eaeh nteasurement, which is not only unscrupulous, but has a bad effect in discouraging physical culturists who give up their attempts to bring their pliysiąue up to a high standard, on account of the apparent impossibility of reaching the enormous measurements I refer to. My idea is to be absolutely truthful in all details, and avoid exaggeration in every way, as thus, and thus only, may our athletic young men and the public generally gain a sound idea as to what has beeti and may be accomplished.
Hcight ........... S fect 10 inches
Wcight (strippcd) ..... 200 pounds
Chest (normal) ........46inchcs
Chest (expanded) ...... 49 inches
Biceps ................. 17J4 inches
Forearm............... 14)4 inches
Thigh ................24 inches
Calf................. 16J4 inchcs
One-Hand Snatch ........ 200 Ibs.
Two-TTand Military Press. 252 lbs.
Rent Press ..............371 lbs.
Two-Hands Anyhow ..... 448 lbs.
Two-lerk from Bchind
Ncck .................. 311 lbs.
Toss irom Hand to fland
at Arms hength.........315 lbs.
One-Arm Miliiary Press.. 126 lbs. Two-Hands Clcan and Jerk 342 lbs. One-Hand Clcan and Jerk. 247)4 lbs.
The above measurements provc one need not be a per fect colossus to be able to per form startling feats, and further that the biggest man is not necessarily the strongest.