

Correc Foot 1

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New iiwcntion uscd by leading foot specjalista builds the musclcs in the foot. Relieves nerve trouble. Adjusts faulty bonę con-ditions. Corrects fallen arches in a natural, lasting way.

Steel arches, creams or linimcnts will not strengthen weakencd foot musclcs or adjust displaced bones. Most foot conditions are muscular. Fallen arches, fiat feet, crooked heels and ankles are the result of weak muscles and tendons. Displaced bones seriously affcct the nervc system of the body, causing many physical disorders elsewhere in the body. The Peerless Foot Corrector pennanently adjusts faulty bonę conditions and strengthens every muscle and tendon in the foot. Rcsults guarantced.


Send for free copy of “The Foot and What Ails It" and illus-trated dcscriptive in foilnation concerning the Peerless Foot Corrector and constructive system of Foot Department and Corrcction. No obligation. Just State foot condition.


One Park Place

New York. N. Y.


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