Before Engine Starts (Cont'd)
9. Refill engine with the appropriate new engine oil by referring to Recommended Lubricants. Check oil level with dipstick.
Oil capacity (Refill):
With oil filter
2.8 liters (3 US qt, 2-1/2 Imp qt) Without oil filter
2.6 liters (2-3/4 US qt, 2-1/4 Imp qt)
10. Install oil filier cap and start engine.
11. Check area around drain pług and oil filter for any sign of oil leakage.
If leakage is evident, retighten or replace.
12. Run engine until water temperaturę indicator points to middle of gauge. Then turn off engine and wait several minutes. Check oil leve! with oil level gauge. If necessary, add engine oil.
When checking oil level, park car on a level surface.
- ----if* • -ic
1. Disconnect high-tension cables at boot. Do not
puli on the wires.

3. Inspect new spark plugs for cracks or damage.
4. Check new spark pług gap.
Side slectrode
Ot .Ijq J331
.noinarcio --c zhosk "iot «on rioss rtourtO .i
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