1. Confirm that No. 1 cylinder is at T.D.C. on its compression stroke.
2. Make surę both the water pump pulley and the tensioner rotate smoothly.
3. Set the timing belt. ^r.r
• Make surę the timing belt is clean.
• Set it in the correct direction.:;The arrows painted on the timing belt show its direction of revolution.
4. Instail the tensioner and the return spring.
5. Tighten the lock nut of the tensioner slightl and hook the return spring to the stopper.
7. Instail the lower dust cover and gasket.
8. Instail the crankshaft pulley and tighten it.
H : 69 - 88 N-m
(7.0 - 9.0 kg-m, 51 - 65 ft-lb)
9. After removing all the spark plugs, rotate the crankshaft pulley at least two turns clockwise.
10. Tighten the tensioner lock nut.
RJ : 15-17 N-m
(1.5- 1.7 kg-m, 11 - 12 ft-lb)
11. Check belt tension by pushing midway be-tween the camshaft pulley and the water pump pulley.
Belt deflection:
2 mm (0.08 in)
Applied force:
2.65 - 5.69 N
(0.27-0.58 kg, 0.60- 1.28 Ib)