Asterisks | Indicate a point of repeat. Here are some examples:
EXAMPLE i *sc iri next st, ch I. skip I st; Work a single crochet into every other stitch. with a chain-1 between each single cro-repeat from * four morę times chet stitch The last stitch worked isa ch-1. andyoull be skipping a stitch before you
move on to the next instruction. Notę that you work from the asterisk to the semi-colon once. then you repeat it fbur morę times. so that the group of stitches is worked a total of frve times.
example | *dc in next dc. ch 3: repeat from * around. join with slip stitch
exampie | *dc in next space. ch 5. dc in top of last dc**, tr in next dc: repeat from * around. ending last repeat at **. join with slip stitch to first dc.
exampie | *3 sc in ch-3 space. dc in next stitch. 3 sc in ch-3 space. sc in next 2 stitches; repeat from * around. ending last repeat sc in next stitch. join with slip stitch to first sc.
Continue repeatingthe instructionsbetween the asterisk and the semicolon untilyou reach the end of the round Because the joining stitch comes directly aft er the word "around," you know that the entire series of actions (in this case: dc. ch 3) will be com-pleted on the finał repeat
Double asterisks may be used to indicate a finał incomplete repeat. In thisexample. a series consisting of "dc, ch 5. dc, tr is worked all the way around the edge On the finał repeat, only a portion of that series is worked ("dc. ch 5. dc”) before joining
Sometimes a series of actions is repeated several times. but on the finał repeat only the first portion of the series is worked. Here. you work the series of actions between the asterisk and the semicolon as many times as necessary to get aimost all the way around the motif The words "ending last repeat " indicate that finał repeat is not to be a complete one, so you end as follows "3 sc in ch-3 space. dc in next stitch. 3 sc in ch-3 space. sc In next stitch. join with slip stitch to first sc." The finał "missing" stitch is prob-ably the stitch that started the round. It will be elear to you when you have the work in your hands.
() Parentheses | Set off stitches that are worked as a group; may be used for explanatorytext.
EXAMPl E | (sc, 3 dc, sc) in next dc Put all 5 stitches into the next double crochet stitch.
example| (dc innextdc, ch 2) five times. dc in next dc
Work a double crochet stitch into the next 6 double crochet stitches. putting 2 chain stitches between each double crochet stitch.
[ ] Brackets | Set off stitches that are worked as a group; sometimes used with parentheses when there are two groups of instructions nested within each other.