nano x general

generalNano-X API Reference Manual<<< Previous PageHomeUpNext Page >>>generalNamegeneral — Synopsis void GrFlush (void); int GrOpen (void); void GrClose (void); void GrMainLoop (GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT fncb); void GrGetScreenInfo (GR_SCREEN_INFO *sip); GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT GrSetErrorHandler (GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT fncb); void GrDefaultErrorHandler (GR_EVENT *ep);DescriptionDetailsGrFlush ()void GrFlush (void);Flush the message buffer of any messages it may contain.GrOpen ()int GrOpen (void);Open a connection to the graphics server.Returns : the fd of the connection to the server or -1 on failureGrClose ()void GrClose (void);Close the graphics device, flushing any waiting messages.GrMainLoop ()void GrMainLoop (GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT fncb);A convenience function which calls the specified callback function whenever an event arrives or there is data to be read on a file descriptor previously specified by GrRegisterInput(). Currently never returns.fncb : GrGetScreenInfo ()void GrGetScreenInfo (GR_SCREEN_INFO *sip);Fills in the specified GR_SCREEN_INFO structure.sip : pointer to a GR_SCREEN_INFO structureGrSetErrorHandler ()GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT GrSetErrorHandler (GR_FNCALLBACKEVENT fncb);Sets an error handling routine that will be called on any errors from the server (assuming the client has asked to receive them). If zero is used as the argument, errors will be returned as regular events instead.fncb : the function to call to handle error eventsReturns : the address of the previous error handlerGrDefaultErrorHandler ()void GrDefaultErrorHandler (GR_EVENT *ep);The default error handler which is called when the server reports an error event and the client hasn't set up a handler of it's own.Generates a human readable error message on stderr describing what error occurred and what function it occured in, then exits.ep : the error event structure<<< Previous PageHomeUpNext Page >>>libnano-Xwindow


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