The presemt wortk was undertaken with a vlew to characterize hom and bonę impiLe-ments of the funnel’ beaker culture on the upland of South Poland. The territory has been defined on the basis of a division into geogra-phic regions after S. Lencewicz.
In the territory discussed the intensity of occupation of the funnel beaker culture can be observed. Over 60 archaeological sdtes of that culture in South Poland were mentiened in the archaeological literaturę. Most of them were defined only on the basis of surfaoe finds or casually discovered mat er lais, on a few of them methodical excavatiens were carried. The following sites were precisely examined: Krzemionki Opatowskie and Ćmielów, the Opatów ddstrist, Janikowice and Lelowice, the Miechów ddstrict, Gorzyczany, the Sandomierz district.
Excavations carried out in a vast settlement of the funnel beaker culture on the hill of Gawroniec at Ćmielów proyided interesting
data for the examinations of the southem group of thls culture. As to the knowledge of bonę and horn objects, the site also represents a chief source, owing to the fact that all bonę remains found there, were precisely described by K. Kry siak. Many objects of bonę and hom found at Ćmielów were published by Z. Pod-kowińska.
In the present paper the bonę and horn im-plements were described in the following order: awls, knives and bonę tools for leather-wor-king, chisels, polishing tools for pottery raa-king, horn axes, bonę arrow-points, horn hoes and wedges. Some implements were divided into groups (types), on the basis of their shape. However the examination madę is not suf-ficient. The analyses of techniąues of their production and of the technical methods employed have not been madę so far. The author defers discussing this important problem which will be studied in the futurę.
21 Materiały starożytne t. IV.