The Uściąż dune area is situated in the Lublin Upland, in the Bełżyce Plain subregion, in its north-western part adjacent to the Nałęczów Plateau. The dune area is 6 km eastwards of the Vistula River gap trough the South Polish Up-lands.
Four dune ridges were found in this dune area. They are 0.75-1.55 km long, 25-70 m wide, and 1-3 m high. These Iow and fiat sandy ridges show a WNW-ESE orientation parallel to the southem edge of the Nałęczów Plateau (Fig. 4). This loess edge is 15-20 m high. It seems that both the loess edge and the dunes were simultaneously formed by the same winds, i.e. probably the winds from a 290°±5° sector. Though rather Iow, nevertheless sotne dune ridges are well visible in the landscape, e.g. the dune with outcrop (Photo 1).