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Fig. 4. Situation of dunes in the environs of Uściąż

1 - Pleni vistulian dunes, 2 - Late Glacial parabolic dunes, 3 - wetlands with Holocene accumulation, 4 - Nałęczów Plateau edge, 5 - loess cover Sytuacja wydm w okolicach Uściąża

1 - wydmy plenivistuliańskie, 2 - wydmy paraboliczne późnoglacjalne, 3 - strefy podmokłości z akumulacją holoceńską, 4 - krawędź Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego, S - pokrywa lessowa

The encroachment of parabolic dunes on dune ridges is a very interest-ing and important phenomenon occurring in the north-western part of the examined area, where one of two parabolic dunes encroaches and covers a part of the dune ridge. The parabolic dune is distinctly higher than the ridge. These two dune types are composed of two distinct groups of sand. Sand from parabolic dunes is typical of the Late Glacial dunes, i.e. loose, medium-grained, well sorted. The older, ridge forms are composed of less loose materiał, with a higher content of fine sand and silt, and clay interlayers; at the top it is silty sand (Fig. 5, Photo 2).

In the light ofthe TL dating (14.3 and 15.6 ka BP) the Uściąż sandy ridges should be related to the end of the Plenivistulian. This could have been the second, younger dune-forming phase during the Plenivistulian.


The Kazanów dune area is situated in the Polish Lowland belt, in its Southern part, in the Radom Plain subregion. Its morę detailed topographic and geomorphologic situation is presented in figurę 6. Two ridges having a gen-


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