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Fig. 5. Profile of the Uściąż dune (situation marked with letter “U” in Fig. 4)
1 - silty sand, 2 - sand with clayey interlayers (traces of periglacial processes), 3 - medium-grained sand
Profil wydmy Uściąż (położenie zaznaczono literą „U” na fig 4)
1 - piasek pylasty, 2 - piasek z przewarstwieniami ilastymi i ślady procesów peryglacjalnych, 3 - piasek średnioziamisty
eral W-E orientation occur north of the valley of the Iłżanka River (tributary of the Vistula River), on fiat plain with relative relief up to 5 m. These fiat, Iow ridges are 1-3 m high and 50-250 m wide. Their length is considerable; the northem ridge is 6.5 km long, and the Southern one even 12 km long. This second ridge consists of four parts, which have slightly different (by several degrees) alignments. However, the orientations of both dune ridges, and the thus the direction of dune-forming winds fali within a 281 °±8° sector.
Such a slight variable orientation of dune ridges is observed in all three examined dune areas. This phenomenon resulted not from directional vari-ability of dune-forming wind but from different environmental characteris-tics, i.e. lithology, water conditions, pre-existing relief.
When looking at the detailed topographic map of the Kazanów area, one can notice a very striking fact: villages occupy both dune ridges over all their length. Brzezinki Nowe and Wilczy Ług villages are situated on the northem dune ridge, and on the southem one - Kolonia Zakrzówek, Kolonia Osuchów, Dębnica Nowa, Kroczów Większy, Kroczów Mniejszy, and Ranachów Górny.
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