


Ytilleys and cuycs unii gcnerally by the absenec of coarse-graincd scdimonis. Theso phascs mc characten/ed by Iow neeumulation and ncgligibleerosion.

Desintogration ot'rock surthces, roi roni of valloy slopcs and cavc cntniuc-os is indicatod by coarse soroos and bouldcr flolds, Tho intcrsliccs aro usiadły tioo or 1'illod with dark bumie matrix (Cllok 2000a» b).

b'xt\vmcly luunid phascs arc indicatod by carbonatc horizons or curbonnte ooinontod soroos, Carbonatc doposilion is associatod with intonsivo tcaching most ty ofbrown torosl soits evcn at stoop slopcs (Lolek 1^84).

Prolonged dry poriods arc indicatod by buricd soits in tuta bodics. Duc to ihc natura) mobility ofsprings scvorat outcrops must bo studied to filier out tho site-spociflc signat (Żak ot at. 2001),

Important erosional phnsos aro indicatod by gully downcutting and by tbrmation of wash-down tans.

Yegetational changes at*o indirectly indicatod mostly by nudacozoologicil anatysis, Motlusc are sensitive to oncironmcnt along theso throo major nxc$:

I, l)ry-humid elimatc, 2, Woodland opon grounds, 3. Natural - anthropo-gonic migration,

Patches or smali cnclavc rocognition, c.g. smali steppe patches within tbrested rogions are indicatod by matacological anatysis, bccauso evcn the arta of several sąuare meters is capable to sustain a relict assemblage of moltuscs, Ali theso processes can be studied as the seąuence of Hotocene en v iron* ments or succession of landscapes that can bo corrctatcd with onsets and dcc li nos ofdifferent prehistorie civili/ations and with postglacial dcvclopn\cnt of vegetation (Lo>ek 1082).


The series of obsetwations ga the red mostly by V, Lolek in aprox, 200 Yarious Holocene sites in few paragraphs. Ho\vcvcr we may try to point to secorat significant examptes listed as follows:

The maximum migrntion/dcposition of calcium carbonatc takes place bcforc the Neolithic coloniiation, It represents the most humid phaseot thc whotc Holocene and it ends abruptly. Carbonatc laycrs and flowstoncscank fomuł even in contemporary dry and wnrm conditions of the rhermofytic«n\ (e,g in chemo/em aren of Southern Moravia). The fast and \ntensi\ e tbnnatkm of soi Is happens in ITo Neolithie carbottatc phaso duo to the enhaneed intonsuy of Chemical weathering.


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