can fauna is characterized by presence of Pertigo parceclentatci, Columella columella; Central-Asian and North-Asian species are Pallonia tenuilabris. Pupilla loessica. Per ligo pseudosubstriata, but steppe species such as Pupilla sierri and Helicopsis striata, xerothermic species such as Pupilla triplicata, indifferent species such as Succinella oblonga or Trichia hispida are present as well. This assemblage and loess as the substrate do not have any analogy in contemporary Europę. They reflect a very specific conditions ofcold Continental loess grassland, where the demanding forest species of latter Holocene could not survive (Loźek 199la, b).
However in morę humid hilly regions or at the periphery of loess area some species could have survived the Ice age as witnessed by some finds in Slo-vakian Karst {Faustina faustina, Laciniaria plicata, Cochlodina cerata and others), and from the Southern foot of the Low Tatra Mts. near Farkaśovo in the Hron valley.
The Late Glacial is characterized by the decline of loess sedimentation, development of chemozem soils in dry loessic landscapes and by expansion of taiga species such as Discus ruderatus, and parkland species such as Fru-ticicola fruticum. The Late Glacial is gradually transformed into parklands patchwork where mesie meadows, numerous marshes and woods are interwo-ven in delicate, high diversity pattem. Soils remain almost undeveloped, but we may observe at some places initial chernozems (Żemoseky in Northern Bohemia — Lożek, Sibrava, 1982) or rendzinas (Cave Martina in Bohemian Karst — Horaćek et al. 2002).
The Preboreal displays at the beginning picture like the Late Glacial, but a rapid expansion of thermophilous forest species of fauna and flora takes place. Of particular interest is the peculiar combination of forest species (.Discus ruderatus, Pertigo substriata, Perpolita petronella, Clausilia cruci-ata) and steppe species (Chondrula tridens, Pupilla triplicata, Pupilla ster-ri, Helicopsis striata), some of the latter species are surviving together with smali mammals such as: Microtusgregalis, Ochotonasp„ Sicistasp. from the Pleistocene.
The Boreal represents almost smooth continuation of the Preboreal characterized by prevailing dry, Continental climatc, but a new phase of progres-sive warming leads to the fast development of chernozem grasslands, where Chondrula tridens, Cochlicopa lubricella, Truncatellina cylindrical are spreading. Warm parklands develop in some hilly regions, especially in karst areas. Southern faunal element Granariafrumentum appears there. Hazelnut and oak woods and groves are occupied by woodland species like Aegopinella