DSC08271 (2)
H1 - Callorhynchidae H2 - Chimeridae H3 - Rhinochimeridae

fig. 3.15. Ghantctcrs and interrelationships of the Holocephali. A. generał aspect of a Recenf Holoccphalan (mak Chimatra. *0.3): B. braincase and Ioww jaw of Hydrolagus in iateral view; C. hyold arch in laterał view; D, branchial skeleion in dorsal view < vemral efcmeots in biacfc); E. paiale and snoot of Chimaera in v«ntral v«cw; F. calcified rings of ihe lateral-linc canals; G. pelvic lin wuh pnpeMc and pelvic claspers of Chimaera in venira) view; H. interrelationships of the major estant hołoctphalan (ara i HI. CaUortuochidae, H2. Chiraaeridae; H3. Rhinochimacridac); nested tam and telected iynapomorphies: I. Holocephali (Chimaewidci; knarahtm. prepelvk claspers. tooth plates. calcificd rings in lateral-linc canals). 2. Chimaenformes (loss of dcscending lamina in ihe amerior opper tooth plates. elongated second dorsal fin). 1. frontal clasper. or lenaculum; 2, mobile śpinc; 3. dorsal fm: 4. gili Hic i. pwpehnc clasper. 6. peivic clasper 7. sensory-linę pores; 8. Mcckelian caitilage; 9. braincase: 10. tooth plates; 11, cpihyal (and pcsjible pharyngohyal); 12, cerstohysl; 13. openrular caitilage; 14. hypobrancłńab; 15. basihraochial copula; 16. ccratobranchtal: 17,epibrsochiai: 18. pharyngobranchial; 19, antenor nostnl; 20. posterior nostrii; 21. polek fin; 22. calcified rings. (A. from Desn (H95): B. from Hotmgren and Stenai6 (1936); C, G. from Goodrich (1930); D. tnodifkd from Rouen et ol, (1981); F. from Rccse (WIO))
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mini amp300klamoty fUwaon mM *R». SU untm aomO R1.......tk H2.......II* H3.......Hellwig i grafy (22) H, = 0,09; H2 = 0,49; H3 = 0,125; H4 = 0,36; K5 = {X1? X2}, K6 = {Xu X3}, K9 = mini amp300klamoty fUwaon mM *R». SU untm aomO R1.......tk H2.......II* H3....... mini amp300klamoty fUwaon mM *R». SU untm aomO R1.......tk H2.......II* H3.......DSC08236 (2) Eptatretus Petromyzon $qualus Fig. 3J. A. morphołogy and raterrelaiionships of the duceI Fig. 15. Th© element* that form the electronics payload employed for the Project "Score."f Fig. 12 Lifting and carrying meat and boxes is frequent. Manuał lifting of 75 kg ocajrs and one maPROGRAM ROZWOJOWY^1 POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ Fig. 1.15. Instantaneous value of voltage and current10 L. Starkel Fig. 3. Areas investigated and surveyed in the project MR 1 — 25: 1 — paleogeographictmta5 10 10 70 cm SELVEDGES 70 cm 20 cm10. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 8 The Back and Front, fo12 też nadzwyczajne są niektóre puklerze in Orbe! (fig. 14, 15, 16). Nie fig. 15. fig. 14. fig.13 36 Milena NapiórkowskaGD Ryc. 15. Legenda do cyfrowej mapy geomorfologicznej Mazowsza. Fig. 15. LPROGRAM ROZWOJOWY^1 POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ Fig. 1.15. Instantaneous value of voltage and current15 pompa oleju (FIG.15 (C-G)J OIL PUMP f................. rJ, ” PUMP ASŚY;ENGINE202 R.A.C.F. 29, 2. 1990 Quelques observations et une carte (Fig. 15) d’un recent article (TUFFREAU-DSC06965 Ryc. 185. Mocne i słabe strony miejscowości (2007) Fig. 185. Strong and weak sides of the vwięcej podobnych podstron